I had a No SHOW on REAL ESTATE Talk With Randy Stedwell So we talked about WHOLESALING & My TIPS.

Below was what it was supposed to be but we had a no show so we talked about my experience with Wholesaling. & answered questions.

Hey Everyone On Episode #12 We will be Talking with Syed Mohsin Founder and CEO of Real Estate Sales Machine. We will talk about how he got started and his secret to success in real estate. We will also get his take on the state of the market. Come join us this will be a great one to go over with if you are a investor and anyone looking at real estate right now. If you are joining LIVE then put your questions in the comments and we will answer them LIVE.

Syed Mohsin is the founder and CEO of Real Estate Sales Machine, nicknamed the “Success Broker”, he's generated over 50 Million in sales before turning 30 years old.

Associate broker & Owner of 2 teams at world's fastest growing brokerage, Starting from scratch in 2014, Syed made his first million in GCI in just 3 short years. Over 150,000+ leads and clients have joined our business database

Syed has one of the best track records in this industry and has created 5+ 7-Figures Brokerage and 100's of 6-Figures Agents.


This is for everyone out there who want to know about Metro Detroit Off Market real estate. We will be interviewing people every week and taking questions from everyone in the comments or they can come on video with us. we will post the link in the chat when the LIVE starts for those who want to come on video with us.

If you want to JV with me on any deals in Metro Detroit market Contact me though

E-Mail: RandyBuysHousesMi@gmail.com

Phone: (586) 307-4765

Join our free facebook Group





So real quick before you did that

and your your origin story like how did you get into is that he he made an age joke the last time we were I'm

gonna I'm gonna use that kooka

thank you

so real quick before you did that

and your origin story like how did you get into is that he he made an age joke the last time we were I'm

gonna I'm gonna use that Kuka

hey everyone how's it going out there in YouTube world and Facebook as well

so I just want to welcome you guys to episode 12 of the real estate talk with

Randy Stedwell my guess is actually running a little bit late so what we're gonna do is I will introduce him a little bit but if you have any questions in the

meantime putting in the chat I will be happy to go over whatever

whatever you guys want to talk about today as well as throughout our time I

if you have questions put it in the chat as well so one thing I did want to

say is that you know I also do help new wholesalers out there so if you are a new wholesaler and do need help trying to lock up deals or just need

advice or anything like that by all means hit me up you my numbers my

numbers right here at the bottom right there and I you can hit me up we can get on a video chat something like that as long as we can record it it's free of charge so as well as if you want a JV with me or anything like that I happy to

work with you and you know I'll give you my opinion now my opinion is not God by any means

it all I do is listen to what my buyers say in this area

have people bought higher have people bought higher than what I

think yes but I go by seasoned investors who I

sell to and I listen to them as much as possible so if you want advice or

anything like that by all means let me know I also do have a network of other wholesalers so if you are looking for

certain properties give me your criteria and maybe I can find it if I don't have

it I can at least network with other wholesalers and maybe they find it we can JV so I'm happy to work with anybody

who wants to work with me and I kind of go from there now am I

coming off as a guru who knows everything on here no I am not I am

coming off as this is my story this is this is what I'm doing I'm just

interviewing people and guess what I'm doing it at my own selfish reasons

I'm sharing it with you guys but you know I'm meeting these people for

networking purposes because I eventually want to do deals with them so I you know

side he is a real estate broker he owns two

teams of real estate agents and they were world-class people and by all means

I want to do more business with him so it is actually kind of selfish of me to bring him on here so I'm trying to tell

my story go through the product go through the the purpose I'm in my third year of wholesaling okay I still do it

part-time I do have a full-time job you know I'm not sitting here chat

the one telling you to go quit your job to do wholesaling it's not that I'm not

telling you that because I'm not doing that I actually like my day job and I'm using wholesaling to end up being my I

you know I want to get to the next step so wholesaling is not an end-all be-all

and so I'm looking for the next strategy and the next and then the next

so that I can eventually retire on you know when I do and I'll still be

financially free so with all that being said again anybody who is just joining us if you're

joining us from Facebook if you're joining us from YouTube put in the chat if you have any questions on my my host

is actually being a little bit late for right now and I do apologize

you know but in the meantime we can chat a little bit more from you

guys so please let me know what you guys want to hear I actually want to know from you guys what kind of videos do you

like if you're not watching this in the live if you're only watching this on the replay put comments put a comment in

there what kind of videos do you like coming from me if you want to learn more if you want more videos what type of

videos do you want I'll try to get more of those out there time permitting I still am running my wholesaling business

as well as well as working a full-time job so you know with that being said

you know any anybody listening please let us know I will I'm going to

go through some of the call some of the calls

that I've gotten recently on the list that I've done

Tire landlord lists I've done some tax 

it's a tax lien lists things like that I'm finding the tax lien list is is a

lot better not as they're not highly good not highly

motivated but they are at least a little bit motivated the entire landlord list

is not all that great and you know they're just like okay if we

get the high price great otherwise we're just going to keep cash flowing so in my opinion in the market we're doing

right now if you're wholesaling or trying to do marketing stay away from the tire landlord lists

you can hit it every once in a while but I think the next thing I'm also

going to end up going after and I've done it before is maybe some water shut off lists some government lists things

like that so tell me in the chats you know what you guys think about those

you know what what are you guys doing for your marketing I'm personally cold calling well I'm not personally I

have a VA who cold calls for me and I eventually once we get enough

marketing dollars together I eventually want to have do some PPC which is stands

for pay per click SEO things like that maybe some Facebook ads

things of that nature so you know what are you guys doing for

if you're a wholesaler what are you guys doing for your for your Clips what are you guys

doing for your marketing please let me know I'm happy I'm interested in

seeing what you guys got to do I went through my follow-ups today you know on

average how many people are how many times are you contacting a person before you actually get an appointment

you know your money is not going to be in the first initial call or the

second or the third it's going to be in those follow-ups somebody raises their hand says okay I'm interested you got to

keep following up with that person so even if they don't answer so I've I've

had it where I've contacted somebody I I contacted somebody 15 times before I

even got an appointment so it's crazy but you just gotta keep

doing it that's how you make the money and and qualify qualify qualify

if the ARV is only about 230 000 and they want three hundred thousand

obviously that's not a good lead all you do is follow up with them or follow up

with them ask them if they have any more properties that might be a little bit more distressed that they're interested they say no you move on that's it okay

if you want to follow up with them later on great but they're not going to be that motivated so

hopefully that's helpful to you guys I really do hopefully hopefully what

I am saying is helpful these are from my own personal experiences

and all I'm doing is try to share my life with you guys so you know with that I you know anybody

who is definitely interested in

anybody who is interested in coming on the show you gotta be on time sorry

but yes I you know this is the first time I've had somebody actually

late to the show so you know I so with you know anybody

who does want to come on the show please do message me I'm happy to have anybody who does

want to come on the show to share their story if you are just showing just having

your first deal I'm interested in knowing how you got started what you did things like that so please do reach out

to me whether you text message me whether you send me a DM through

Instagram whether you send me a DM through Facebook doesn't matter you know also if you are in Fate on

YouTube check out our Facebook page Metro Detroit off Market Real Estate Group okay

we are there we're we have almost 4 000 members right now so I think it's

getting huge so my goal by the end of this year was going to be 5 000 I think

we're going to hit about you know maybe six or seven hopefully so

I think we're gonna obliterate that goal with that being said we want

quality people in there who's going to post deals or at least ask for

assistance and that's the good thing about our group there's so many experts in there by all means post what you're

looking for okay post what you want and you know we can all help help each other

out that's why that's why I made the group and and that's where I want to succeed I just do not post anything on

or real real estate unrelated you know I am please let us know

if there is you can go ahead and report it I'm the only admin so I'm the only one that'll let you through and I'm the

only one that that blocks or reports you as well as if you post

duplicate posts we will I will delete one so please don't post duplicate posts

okay with that being said I let's see I

here in Michigan at least they were starting to get nicer weather in my opinion nicer weather means more

people is going to want to sell so they're they're look they're going outside they're walking around maybe you

know they're working on their yards you're like hey you know maybe I want to move or maybe I want to do something I

don't want to do the maintenance the spring cleaning or anything like that so they might be they might be more

interested in selling so you know with that being said I 

think we're only going to go for about another 15 more minutes and if he doesn't show up then unfortunately we're

gonna call it quits and if I don't get any questions here

me trying to message him as well and it looks like he might be a little bit busy

so anyways I so anybody has any questions

post them in the chat happy to work work something out with you guys and see

what we can do from there if you want a copying video or if you want me to cop

a property hey right now I don't got anything to do so post post the address in the chat and

I'll count the property the way I normally would so I'm happy to do so as much as possible you know hey Holly

dentry how you doing so awesome man alright awesome girl I'm doing really good

I'm trying trying to be out here and doing what we can so

you know again if if you do want me to comp a property Detroit is very hard to

comp if you are not from the Detroit area and you were doing virtual wholesaling okay make sure you talk with

somebody who is from Detroit or you will go back and watch one of my Compton videos okay I do have it it's probably

towards the beginning of the year it was one of my lives that I did do it by all means Detroit is a very it's a

you know it's a block by block area and you really really have to understand

the copying there so now Metro Detroit you can do a little bit more traditional

but still when you're close to the borderline of Detroit it's still a lot harder so so you got to keep that in

mind you know I've also had somebody come to me about wanting to purchase a rental

I I get buyers like that all the time maybe whether they're new buyers or

or anything like that they maybe they want to do a a bird deal or buy and hold you know things like that I will give

them my opinion but I will also preface that I do not hold properties at the moment I only can give you the knowledge

that that I've gained through my wholesaling and that I gather from my other buyers okay

so I always keep keep that preface there is that I I'll try to do my best as much

as possible and I'll try to find you the best deals out there you know if I can find them great and

if they work with your numbers great but I all I'll try to teach you how to do the numbers and I'll show you how to

cover for all type of scenarios you have to include the the one thing that people

do not include is property taxes being uncapped and also the property tax is

going from homestead to non-homestead as well as being uncapped so you've got to account

for that you have to account for property management capital expenditure as well as the

initial renovation so uh Johnny gapper how you doing hi all

so happy to have you here so you know I'm again you know I'm happy

to go over this with anybody if we could do a one-on-one video I'm offering them as long as we can record it it's for

free no problem I'm not a YouTube guru by any means I'm just trying to share my

experiences in my life that's all I've worked with some of the some great

wholesalers in this area and I still make mistakes by all means I've I've

made so many man mistakes and to be all be as transparent as possible

I thought that I was going to have okay this is the month of May and my goal was to have at least two

deals per month okay and I thought I was gonna have 

you know I thought I was going to have at least 10 deals by now okay how's it

going Freddy Freddy how you doing nice to see you you're on that's Freddy off of Facebook there

I thought I was gonna have 10 deals by now and unfortunately I only have one

that it's been lingering for it was lingering for a long time

I gotta I I really gotta thank Todd Chun for getting to the closing table with me

it was a hard deal by any means we had about three four buyers back out you

know and we still kept going so that's all about the only way that that work that type of deal works is if you have a

good relationship with the buyer or with the seller sorry with the seller and keep open communication okay

I try to be as transparent as possible okay now they don't need to know everything

but I'd be as transparent as possible as much to let them know what the process and how it's going and and things like

that so with that being said it it's just

how do you talk to sellers how do you bring up that you're wholesaler how do you let them know

in my opinion you know you can use words like

hey I'm working with my partners you know one of the strategies that I

use is I one of the strategies that I use is I bring them I I may pass the

deal along to another investor but whatever me and you work out is

exactly what you're going to get and you're going to deal with me the whole time okay so that's one that's one way

that I bring it up now somebody who knows what what

wholesaling is things like that they're gonna understand exactly what you're doing

and a lot of times they don't care as long as they get their dollar okay now when you gotta that's when you gotta beat them down and when you got to

beat them down and that's when they're gonna fight back okay you know keep in mind as well is when

you get a deal under contract and then you start marketing it out if there this is the reason why you have

to keep open communication with your seller if you don't keep open communication with your seller and let

them know what's going on what you're doing things like that and then you get say a buyer who just joined your your

buyers list okay and they end up calling the seller directly not contacting you either

letting the seller know what's going on or offering them a higher bid that

you've got to under contract okay and I've had this happen to me before by

the way okay they try to snake the deal behind you well you have it under contract

and most the time you can put a a memorandum

on the property if you feel like that's gonna happen but a lot of times I've built up a

relationship with the seller that literally this the next call as soon as they get off that call they they

call me and say hey do you know this guy who he's trying to give me an offer okay

I say you know what no I I don't know him but you know what I mean tell you

he's probably not going to close he's probably going to do this you know this and that you know I'm trying to I and

this is where I keep open communication yeah I want to go with you I want to make sure that we're we're doing deal

we're you know and that's the advantage versus you ghosting the seller after you get it

signed and a lot of people do this is after it after the the contract is

signed they pretty much ghost the seller for you know a couple weeks until they have

to do a scheduling to show the property okay you want to keep up keep the seller

up to date on what's going on talk with the seller hey you know hey just letting

you know let's work on trying to see when we can get in the property or can we get a

lock box on the property or anything like that I you know I'll let you know what's going on

and you know and Fugi hopefully I pronounced your

name right sorry if I didn't yes that is Shady by all means and I really

really don't like it being I I don't like shady people I try to as soon as I

find out that somebody does that and I find out who it is they will never do business with me

again ever okay I'm not gonna sit there and go blackballing them

but I'm not gonna personally ever do business I don't care if you're the highest offer out there

I know you're not going to you're not going to live up in I I don't know if you're going to close

okay most of the time a a buyer is only as good as they're

going to close okay that's it I don't want to sit here and try to yes

I can go after your EMD deposit but it's getting harder and harder for us to even

collect the EMD deposit because title companies are just horrendous okay I'm

telling you that you know with that being said you

know we have some people here let me know what more what more videos you want

what type of videos you want to see I'm happy to work you know work something out see if I can create more of that

type of content and kind of go from there I it does not look like the

Syed is coming today unfortunately

so but I'll give it another five more minutes I will hit that half hour mark

roughly and kind of leave it from there so

alright so what what I was talking about I'm talking about strategies what

kind of marketing strategies do you guys do anybody who's in the chat tell me what marketing strategies you do okay

Holly Holly's doing cold calling Holly do you like cold calling what are your

strengths what are your weaknesses did you start it just started it are you using a dialer you know anything like

that if you are cold calling okay okay direct mail that is coming from

anik anik is my man he Direct Mail he gets some good leads in direct mail he

he's a buyer too so if you're on Facebook and you see a neat in the chat do business with him

he's a good guy all right Holly says driving for dollars those are the great

lists driving for dollars lists are great okay because guess what they may

not come up on any other list whatsoever because they may pay their taxes on time

they may pay all their bills on time everything's good but the the the yard looks long the you know everything it

might be a tired landlord who knows okay oh Holly says reverse driving for

dollars too I don't know what is what's a reverse driving for dollars hmm never heard of that one

so also it you know Direct Mail linking up

with Buyers how are you getting your buyers are you just posting on Facebook Marketplace things like that are you are

you just posting in the Facebook groups I may I'm encouraged for going to these

Facebook groups but you know I'm I'm more of the go to REI

meetups listen to these buyers and see what they're buying at you know

and kind of go from there so okay so Holly said the reverse

driving for dollars is a targeted houses I don't think that's a reverse driver

for for dollars but I think that's like just a standard

list that you now you're just trying to verify whether the houses are distraught

or not so either way if it works for you it works for you you know

one thing that you gotta look at is what works for you and

then how can you scale it okay that's a big thing is how can you scale it all

right I already know that there's a there's going to be a limit to where what I'm doing

and then I eventually will look to scaling okay it will be the next step Holly

says texting as well texting and cold calling I think go hand in hand

I haven't started texting myself but it is something we want to get into there's a lot of legality in it

there's a lot of different things out there that can a lot of different tools

that are out there that help you and things of that nature so

great I'm happy to see that Holly you're doing that

let me know you know what are your rois on those you know things like that

Johnny you said what are the some of some of the more common creative

financing techniques so I haven't done a creative financing

deal yet okay there's the key word yet

they're out there I do know of them I try to pitch them as much as possible

now with that being said probably one of the easiest to pitch here in Michigan is going to be a land contract okay

a land contract is probably the most common because

most people are familiar with it okay but you can do a sub two you can

do a just a straight up seller finance okay honestly you can be as creative as

you want and as long as the title company and as long as you and the seller can agree on

it you can be as creative as you want that's all okay

that's the key thing is you and the seller agreeing to something

okay you always explain it to this Mr seller do you want to be the bank the bank makes all the money

okay the bank makes all the money now instead of you going and collecting rent and having to take care of the property

do you just want to become the bank and just be quiet

most the time they say yes unless they have a specific reason for

that money okay but by all means everyone is different so

Holly says I'm not using anything but my scale is small and you know what

that's how you can start off that that's perfectly fine I do recommend getting into a dialer

some sort of dialer whether it be Mojo dialer whether that be call tools call

Red what whatever it is okay look into them all do your research

I personally use call tools myself I like it

I have a VA virtual assistant who call calls for me but you can do it yourself as well so

in my opinion do your homework see what's comfortable to you use a good CRM

if you don't a CRM is customer relationship management tool okay

and that could be anything from Podio it could be from call tools has a built-in one as well

you know things like that so this goodbye 2020 all right you

should really change your name if you're looking to get into real estate to something with your name in it all right

hi just getting into real estate also do you have any contract resource

contract resources for for sale by owner seller financing or and or

wholesaling for Michigan I do have contracts for wholesaling okay 

FSBo’s in my opinion yes they are a little bit motivated

you're going it's going to take some time to walk them all over things like that seller financing my contract you can use it as far as a land contract but again I have not

done a deal personally with seller financing okay so I I'm I'm preferencing

that but there's a lot of people in the Facebook group and in the chats that

have link up with them by all means if you need help contact me and and I will help

guide you towards somebody who may help you okay if I can't help you that is all

right so he also said he or she don't know

if it's he or she uh uh or do I need to have a lawyer draw them up

it depends on what you're doing I don't think you really need a lawyer or drama but I think you need to understand

what your contract says go over your contract with a fine-tooth comb okay

and that way the reason why I say that is

because who your your seller is not they may

go over your your contract with a fine true cone and they're going to bring up questions you need to have the answers

like that okay oh I don't know why that's in there oh I I can't you know

what I'll take that out or I'll do this now you're just screwing yourself if you picked up a contract from say 

Jerry Norton or somebody else through these resources read through that contract understand

that contract and understand what every single paragraph means okay that way

what happens you can explain it to the seller and hey the the easier and simpler terms

you can set you can say it to the seller the better off you'll be promise you that all right 

all right so they said you said duly noted all right highly appreciate it

Andy appreciate it no problem I appreciate you guys coming on I really do so

so it looks like he's not going to be coming on and I thank you for all the

comments by the way so if you want to have any more comments please put them in here I'll stay for a couple more

minutes now with that being said with the con I want to go back to these contracts per

se okay now how I got my contracts was I JV with

another wholesaler okay and he let me use his contracts

that's how I got my contract but I didn't just blindly use them I read

through it I I was a fine-tooth comb and then if I didn't know something I asked

why I asked what it was and if I did not want that in my contract guess what I would either take

it out or I'd replace it with something or reword it with something that that would favor either towards me or

whatever the case may be okay and with that that's the same thing with

a JV agreement that's the same thing with a assignment agreement as well

assignment or contract all right and those are the things you need as well as you need a release

all right you need a release of contract all right because there's gonna be times

where you need to release that contract because you can't sell it all right you're trying to sell it for

45 you got under contract for 35 and really and truly the the properties

probably only worth about 30. okay so and and just the seller is not coming

down so you have to release that contract all right 

now do mistakes like that happen yes they do I've made them that's how I know

all right I've made them a lot I'm still making them to this day because

guess what this Market's constantly changing all right with these interest rates that are coming up right that are

right now right now it's a little bit more consistent which is good they're

not always fluctuating up and down so much at least right now in the past couple months they've been consistent

okay they are I

your buyers are going to act similar when they're consistent versus they're gonna pull back a little bit they're

going to go towards the the cheaper they're gonna get need to get a huge a bigger discount because they're

going to need to account for the possibly the the increase that's going to come

three months down the road when they go to sell it okay basically the the increase in the interest rates which

will bring down the prices okay now if you have a good product it's going to sell and you price it

right it's going to sell but you have to buy it right they the

the flippers no matter how much you want them oh they could go a thousand dollars more five thousand dollars more ten

thousand dollars more only if they could do that they gotta stick to their numbers that's how they make money

because you know what in our market right now

you know some flippers are making fifty thousand sixty thousand dollars maybe in

the higher end properties but you probably lower end properties

and they are they're only making twenty thousand dollars a property okay

I'm making half of my wholesale fee I try to average around

ten thousand per property okay so I'm making half of what they're doing and

they have to wait three months to get it okay so you have to understand that

you know they gotta stick to their numbers that's why you gotta get them right as

well so so keep that in mind

you know if you do have any properties you want to sell post them in the Facebook group alright Metro Detroit

off Market Real Estate Group in in the in the description below is

the link to the Facebook group if you are not a member in there become a member I will approve you

and you can post all your deals there or you can look for your deals that you're wanting if you're a flipper if

you're a Buy and Hold investor also if you're not on my buyers list contact me get on my buyers list you know things

like that the reason why I may not have done too many deals because people are

locking them up way too high and they're just not selling they're sitting they're sitting and sitting in the city

and I listen to my buyers okay I listen to my buyers and I just have

to be honest with people okay so you know hopefully I've gave you at

least a little bit of value today we can you know what with side we're gonna try

for another time we'll see what happens this is the first time oh my God this

is the first time that I've ever had somebody be late all right so actually not even show up

ciao with that being said I really appreciate all of you that have

come and have watched and have contributed to the chat I really do

appreciate you guys if you are not watching this live if you are watching the replay

by all means can we still commute communicate through the chat and we can talk later hit me up with my number

right below here and I'm going to

my email if you want to do if you want

to JV with me as well okay this is my email right down below all

right there you go right there Randy buys houses Mi gmail.com all right happy

work with anybody who can and we can kind of go from there if

you are a buyer hit me up if you are looking for deals hit me up I want to

know what you're buying is what your criteria is what your limit is hell if you just want to go to a coffee and and

tell me all this information I'm all for it I don't drink coffee but I'll find something to drink I promise

you that so you know I'm happy to work out you know I I've done this with a lot of different

people I talk with a lot of different people and that's how I know the market that's how I know the area so almost

every at least every month I'm probably going to a five or six different

meetups trying to get out there get to know buyers things

like that and see what they're buying at all right so if you're one of those buyers who do not go to meetups hit me

up as well I want to hear from you too all right now if you're a wholesaler it's

pretending to be a buyer don't just don't tell me you're a wholesaler well JV will work together

hold up oh excuse me

we'll work together I'll help you out along the way if you need help locking up a deal doing anything I do

not steal deals behind people's back that's not who I am a very ethical guy when it comes to business because I want

to repeat business that's how I make more money is by repeat business okay I'm in my third year I've probably I've

done right around 30 deals since I started

so roughly all right maybe a little bit less a little bit

more right around so I think I have some experience in every deal I learned something

I've learned something new from every deal and I've had a lot more deals that

we haven't closed because I got them locked up too high the seller couldn't come down whatever the case may be so I

have a lot more of those stories as well so with that being said let's all do

deals together hit me up email me call me whichever you prefer we'll see you

in two weeks with another episode of real estate talk with Randy Stedwell

hopefully we bring him back bring Syed back maybe we'll repeat this episode and

this will be an anomaly I don't know we'll see all right you guys have a good

one let's all do deals together stay connected and that's it have a good one