hey everyone out there YouTube land Facebook I and the real estate Metro Detroit
off-market Real Estate Group welcome we are here
um we are talking about five things that you need to know about wholesaling five
secret tips okay um with that being said okay uh we are
gonna be out here okay five Secret uh every wholesaler needs to know
um so I just trying to get a a minute for some other people to come in just in
case we are answering questions live here on the air if you need uh ask your
questions in the comments uh in the comments off to the side whether you're on YouTube whether you're on Facebook does not matter um ask your questions we'll present them on here I will answer them
um I don't have a guest today it's just me talking all about the five tips and I
actually have a bonus tip for you as well but we have five tips all wholesalers need the secrets
five secrets you need to know about wholesale and real estate so it's a
tongue twister sorry about that um with that being said I think we have given some people enough time so with
I'm going to go to our first the first thing that you need to know is kind of obvious it's build relationship
building a relationship with the seller okay I'm gonna skip going to doing all
the lists and trying to figure out uh what lists you need to get what all that all that you can learn that and anywhere okay but if you don't build a relationship with that seller
I'm going to tell you you're not going to get very far okay
when you build a relationship with the seller it's going to be
no matter if somebody tries to back door you through that deal they're not going
to be able to because you've built that relationship I've actually I'll tell you
a quick story I had a property that I had under contract uh it was in Detroit
and I went out and I marketed the property okay I had there was probably about four or
five you know we marketed out you know things it was
on the borderline whether it was overpriced or not what we we tested the waters
I had a couple buyers put it I actually try to reach out to the seller directly
and try to poach that listing what happened is they try to go with the lower offer okay
straight to the seller and because I had good rapport built a good relationship
with that seller all that seller did was send me screenshots of that other person now
that person is no longer on my buyers list okay you want to really alienate a wholesaler try to do that I'll tell you
you won't get very far in this business all right um so build your relationship with your
seller um and then I'll tell you another story where uh the opposite happened we didn't
build a relationship with the seller and we're trying to sell a a triplex in
Detroit and somebody another wholesaler came in and stole the property they offered them
it was 20 grand more than what we were trying to sell it for okay
needless to say that wholesaler did not live up to his end
it did not go through we spent so much time on title with that property that it
was it was crazy because we put so much time and effort and we should have put a
[Music] um we should have put a notice memorandum on the property but we didn't uh and I
think to this day it still hasn't sold to be honest so um because the way the market changed it
wasn't worth it because the guy didn't do anything with it so I think we tried to set we sold it we're gonna have it
sold for 25 Grand and he's like well I can get 40 Grand from this other guy
and unfortunately it wasn't it didn't work so when something's too good to be
true it probably is and it was a vacant property needed a full gut full rehab
everything so um on to the next thing I I know we're kind
of moving a little fast remember if you have any questions in between any of these put them in the chat I'll have to
answer them if you're watching the replay comment I'll answer the questions I
definitely will um I'll I I always check the replay and things like that so
um the second one is listen okay there are so many wholesalers out there
and I was guilty of it in the beginning too they just want to get their Spiel out they want to get their uh get they
whatever their script is they want to stick to that script and they want to get it out and get it out sometimes the
best thing you can do is just zip it listen ask open-ended questions and
listen okay they the seller will tell you exactly what they need what they
want okay so but you have to oh ask open a
question as soon as if they're just at if they're just answering your question yep nope okay either one you're not
asking open-end questions or two they're trying to get you off the phone they're not very motivated okay so that is one thing give me one second here
so that is one thing that you need to realize is that
listening will get you a long way build relationships with the seller try
to build Common Ground do not lie or anything like that just so you can have
something in common um and that will bring me to my next one or to uh my next ones coming up but
number three do what you say you're going to do
okay so many times there are wholesalers out
there there are people there are about there are sellers or sorry there are buyers out there they don't do what
they're going they don't do what they say they're going to do okay
so many times so that is one big big thing that you need
to do is actually do what you say you're going to do if you say you're going to
give them a call back at 5 00 pm tomorrow give them a call back at 5 pm tomorrow
okay um that goes back to number two
listening okay by listening to them you can tell
exactly where their pain points are you can also tell what their pet peeves are on on people all right
so again do what you say you're going to do
if you're going to meet in an appointment don't be late be 15 minutes early check out the property check out
the neighborhood first okay same thing goes for you damn buyers come on man all
right don't be late check the traffic all right so I know you buyers are out there
saying that now I know I'm going through this kind of fast and I really would like any type of
Engagement out there please let me know what you guys think um this is for the Metro Detroit
off-market Real Estate Group this is for our YouTube channel you know
hit us back with comments let us know uh what you think and and what you think
about each one of these are these not really Secrets you're right they're not
but in my opinion they're the most important all right though the they are
the most important all right I call them Secrets because these need you need to
know these you need to do these okay and not a not a lot of people do
especially virtual wholesalers they don't do these all right
the number four follow up all right
follow up with okay hold on
if you you follow up 90 5 of my deals
I get with follow-up very rare do I get a deal on the first
Contact it's very rare okay when I'm when we're cold calling we
don't get them on the first Contact all right I actually have a process where my VA
calls them when they say yes they get all the information it comes to me and I do the
follow-up that's my process even when I follow up with them
is still a lot of times it takes you know four or five time attempts of me
contacting and following up with them sometimes they don't answer sometimes timing's off sometimes you have to keep
following up put them in your CRM let them know if I had one one day I
they answer the phone which I was very surprised but they answered the phone like hey I was calling about your
property on blah blah blah Street uh do you have a couple minutes to talk uh so
on and so forth you talked with my my assistant about this uh last week and or the other day or yesterday
uh they said well actually I'm on the way to the hospital my my father's
bought the people they're about to pull the plug on him and he he's about to pass away
I'm like oh my God I'm so sorry uh take care of family first I'll give you a
call I you know how does Friday sound okay great have a great day
okay I'm sorry to hear about your father now I put in my CRM he was on the way to
the hospital he was you know his father was passing away what's the first thing out of my mouth when I call him back
hey I'm very sorry to hear about your father uh did you make it in time to say
your goodbyes something like as simple as that that builds relationships that goes back
to number one that builds relationships that builds Rapport okay
100 you need to follow all of these processes okay
following up with the sellers will you will build so much Rapport and
the more somebody talks to you the more comfortable they begin now if
you just talk with them out of the blue and I I've actually had this tested
women are more likely to build rapport faster with a seller
uh for some reason uh sellers they they trust a woman's voice they it's more
feminine uh it's very hard it's a lot harder for a man okay
um not being sexist not doing anything like that it hell it's harder for me you
have to put them at ease that you're there to help okay hey this is what we normally do if
they're back on taxes if you're in foreclosure this is kind of our our area
that we follow up I'm not saying that that's what you are but does does any of this uh do are you do you have any of
these issues or anything like that okay but this is where we specialize
okay if not okay it doesn't fully disqualify you but let me get a little bit more information about the property
and we can see what we can do something is simple like that all right
the more you follow up the more you listen the more you you you you work
with these the better things will be that I promise you okay
so let's go over the first four again
build relationships number one okay building rapport
listening when you're listening they will tell you and you ask
open-ended questions they will tell you where their pain point is what's going
on Hell they'll tell you what they just ate for dinner last night all right
they'll tell you everything they'll open up to you but you have to listen
not only when you're listening you just don't sit back and just do nothing okay you do a little little nuances like
oh okay I see it should it that tells them that you're truly listening and you're following
along okay yes you need to listen keep your mouth
shut but those little nuances of mm-hmm wow oh wow okay
those little things will tell the seller that you're actually listening to them
and that brings your level of relationship building up a notch okay
so number three do what you say you're going to do if
you're if you do them if you have an appointment set up okay set up be there 15 minutes early
check out the area or if you're not be there at least on time okay
um go through it don't Pro don't over promise and under deliver okay you always under promise and over
deliver as much as possible okay I know it's hard to do in this market
it's very hard to do that and and still get an appointment but at the same point you want to you
want to build their expectations a little bit beforehand be you know then you go out there
on the appointment number four is follow up again
following up is the key all right if you don't do this
you will not you may get one deal every six months
okay if you keep following up with people the average contact
um per deal in the Metro Detroit area and I don't have a lot of Statistics I'm
only going by as far as my business goes the average contact is about 15 to 20
contacts before it actually goes into a deal
uh goes into under contract that is so number five
don't be cocky don't be a nodal all right
I'm going to tell you this right now don't be a know-it-all all right
sellers do not like that especially sellers who used to be agents who are
investors who they think they know it all so you got to be humbling
oh okay yeah tell me why you think that that price is a good price oh because
this property over here just sold this probably sold over here oh yeah okay I'm looking at that that sold about two
years ago unfortunately it's not good in this market okay
so you got to educate them a little bit as well but you've got to do it in the proper way don't be cocky
all right now I got a couple bonus tips
there's a couple bonus tips I have for you guys okay number one or number six
be honest okay be honest
let the seller know what you're doing if you plan on buying it buy it
let them know if you don't if you plan on wholesale and say hey I have some Finance Partners I work with so you can
say you're wholesaling without saying you're wholesaling there are different ways different ways to do things I let
people know that hey we have different strategies for every property we may not know what Pro what strategy we're going
to go with right off the bat but no matter what we do you're gonna get what I promised you and uh you're
going to be dealing with me the whole time no matter what and I explain I give them three options okay I explain them I
go one number one we we do fix and flips we we everybody knows what that is
number two we buy properties to fix them up and then rent them out to a nice family okay we you know maybe an
underprivileged family depending on who you're talking to things like that we try to help out nice families things
like that by putting them in a nice home and then number three sometimes if it doesn't work for us I do work and
partner up with other investors that it might work for okay
that's how I actually word it that I say that I'm going to be wholesaling without
that I also followed up with after I say that last one was
but if it don't worry no matter what we do you're going to get exactly what we promised and you're going to be dealing
with me the whole time so that they understand and nine times out of ten they say oh
yeah sure no problem as long as I as long as we get what I promise no problem okay and then I let them know we go
through a title company make sure everyone's paid out so on and so forth okay
I have another bonus tip for you here go for the no
now you get them on the phone you're listening You're Building rapport
and why the hell is this guy on YouTube telling me to go for the no what the hell
right go for the no do you know why because you don't want
to waste your time either hey Mr Sally oh it looks like you know
what the price you want it looks closer to retail is that something that you're
you're you're looking to do I mean I I I truly do understand you know
um if you do want to go on the market that's not a problem I can connect you up with a uh a great realtor in this
area okay and we is that something you're interested in unfortunately with my
business model I have to be able to make money and at that price I'm not going to be able to make money
they understand that they're it's a business okay
things like that go for the no figure out what their true pain is if they don't have true pain
sure no problem what did you waste you wasted a phone call but guess what one thing I always
ask is do you have any other properties you might be interested in selling that might be in a little bit worse shape
we specialize in full rehabs um and and we want to add that value
into the property check it out so
this these seven tips that I just gave you all right
we'll go over again number one build relationship number two
I I cut myself here number two listen
all right number three do what you say you're gonna do
100 do what you say you're going to do all right you're a man of your word or a
woman either way number four follow up
by following up you are building a relationship with that person
every time you call or leave a message or send a text message
oh this person might be interested oh I know we've been playing phone tag every now every so often
will you finally get a hold of make a joke out of it building the relationship
number five don't be cocky don't be a know-it-all yes you are the
expert in the field you are the expert you are the investor okay but they may be an investors well
they may be an agent you never know okay so
what you want to do is you want to be confident in what you're saying but you don't want to be cocky
you don't want to be a know-it-all they they will hang up the phone faster they will get you off the phone as fast as
possible all right if there's a deal to be made try to come at at the angle of
creative Finance hey I know you want retail you know what
sometimes we can come up to that number you know if we can come up if if you can
come to our terms okay so is that something you might be
interested in hmm
well what is terms and then you go in the whole Spiel of creative Finance what terms are or uh a laying contract seller
finance where you become the bank so on and so forth well I have to run the numbers but usually the banks tell me
what the rates the down payment is so on so forth okay now you now what you do is
obviously you do everything you can to get that deal happening during that call but if
God forbid something happens where you have to hang up that phone before you can do that you give them homework
hey okay listen I will I'll follow up with you on Friday at five o'clock
all right but by then let's try to see what interest rate you might be interested in what what monthly payment
what balloon payment you might be interested in or or your terms and what down payments so on and so forth
all right give them homework now you follow up with them on Friday if they didn't do the homework that you
know what that's that's perfect fine well okay let's talk it out a little bit more
but at least you're giving them something to do now all right number six bonus number six be honest
all right hey Mr seller I you know what I don't want to waste your time I don't want to
waste my time I'm going to be in the ballpark of this range over here you know um sometimes I will give him a ballpark
range because I don't want to waste time I don't want to go out there and visit for a retail price
it's not going to happen it goes back to number two by listening see what their pain point is if they're foreclosure and
and they're about to leave the house and there's nothing you can do or there is
like hey we there's a deal to be made but they're still stubborn or so on and so forth hey you can do what you can
okay and you know I might take up a case by case but you never know you still be honest
let them know hey I don't know if uh I you know what I'll come out look at the property we'll see how it looks I'm not
sure if I'm gonna be I I'm not gonna be your highest offer that's just how it goes but I'm Gonna Be Your quickest I'm Gonna
Be Your fastest I'm gonna be go over the whole uh reasons why all right that they
should be going with you and then number seven go for the no
go for the no you will save so much time and get now
you can get to the next one faster and easier and you're not wasting so much time
okay so I just gave you seven tips
seven tips two bonuses I know I said five Secrets
but I gave you seven all right need to take those down write those down
follow them Implement them into your current system
okay and if you don't have a system and you're just winging this
flowcharted all right create a system write it on paper how
does a lead come in what do you do when they say yes what do you do when they say no
and so on and so forth okay go through your whole process
through your business go for what you're doing now and then go to write it down
to what you want to change it to all right now I want to take a Time
I know I ran through those pretty quick and I'm sorry but with that being said you know I
guess we're not getting a lot of people on today but we'll watch the replay so
many people ask your questions later on I'm happy to come on here uh I'm happy
to comment on here later on um you know afterwards and I'll answer any
questions you've got one thing that I wanted to bring up is we do have a deal analyzer on our
website website is randystudwell.com okay and it's under digital downloads we put
all the podcasts up there uh on our website as well as we're going to have
digital downloads we have currently on my purchase agreement contract as well as my
assignment agreement contract those two things are up there for sale um I may later on offer them uh as a
discount or later on but I haven't come up with that yet uh the but we have this deal analyzer
that I created and I think this is a smoking deal all right right now we're
selling it for 19.95 is an Excel spreadsheet where you keep it forever once you download it once you
keep it forever okay so I want to go through it real quick with you
all right you have different tabs here okay so this is the flip if you're
looking to flip okay if you're looking to flip here you can
put your arv here the the length of the project whether it's six months 12 months your address here okay if I say I
put an arv of 180 000 okay
now we're doing a purchase price of say seventy thousand these are made up numbers by the way all right I I don't
have a deal right now if somebody's in the chat wants to comment a deal that they have and want me to run it by all
means we'll go from there rehab budget all right say we have a rehab budget of of 80 000.
all right so on 80 000 the closing or the closing
costs on this let's call it uh 2200.
all right if we're paying all cash it's 2200 all right holding costs these are
your um your interest rates your anything like that
so your holding costs on this this also could be your taxes okay so we'll go
with uh say another fifteen hundred for holding costs all right
the reason why I didn't I only put 1500 because I believe this is just for the taxes okay
now I can put in hard money all right
so what's the loan amount for the hard money
all right let's see here
hard money loan amount so admin fees let's call it
a thousand dollars for admin fees
all right so hard money loan to value and slash arv so let's call it
uh 140 000.
uh let's see no that's 150 000.
now that this is percentage sorry about that 70 percent
so we'll do three points and we'll do
let's do 12 interest rate all right now right now you can see that this did
the calculation as it sits this is not a deal we put 10 profit
and profit minimum is twenty thousand right now our our projected profit would be thirteen thousand nine hundred and
sixty dollars that says No Deal all right so with that
you can also put uh Gap lending in here get points you
can also do if you want to do an equity split on the Gap funding as well you can
bring that in here now your arv this is this is one thing that that it
really helps with as well is my resale number if I go 10 grand below or or 20
grand below it tells me right here exactly the numbers it's supposed to be if I go 10 or 20 grand above what I'm
thinking this is the profit and uh what I'm going to be selling it for all right so this
is a great tool for anybody who wants to use it visit my website it is
randystedwell.com under digital downloads and is it called a deal analyzer okay
so with this we also have a seller finance tool all right
so the purchase price here okay so let's do a hundred thousand
dollar property okay
down payment we'll do ten Grand all right estimated rehab
let's do 15. all right closing costs
to 1500 all right
what's our monthly payment our monthly payment is going to be uh
let's look at so on a hundred thousand let's do 400 400 a month
okay now we can do a three percent interest rate was we can do six percent this
number is arbitrary I'm going to tell you that uh it's just so you can have everything on the screen where you're
gonna get all your information from are these two links all right these two links is where you're going to
get the information so if you want to get like a balloon payment for the next five years
you can you can do that you click on this link and that's exactly where you'll get a
balloon payment you put in the amount purchase so as
well as the amount for the loan so you would do actually 90 000 because you'd
put nine ten thousand dollars down okay and it would do the advertisation it
would give you the balloon payment here okay and uh then what we're going to do is
you're gonna do what is the market rent all right so
let's do a normal I guess a three bedroom house we'll go fourteen hundred dollars a month okay
and we're gonna do the the calculated taxes we'll do let's say 3 500 because
it's the taxes just got uncapped all right insurance will do about twelve hundred
dollars for the year annual Capital expenditures okay this is
I have this set to five percent but you can change it to whatever it bring it higher if if all you're doing is just a
quick rehab okay and you know that the roof's gonna
go later on okay these numbers here are annually these numbers here are
monthly it takes all that information gives you your estimated uh monthly cash
flow and this is your estimated yearly cash flow
okay and then it has your total investment here with your return on
investment this right here would not be a deal okay
this right here would not be a deal because it's only a one point two five two four percent interest
or uh Roi so
this is where you can fudge with the numbers a little bit and what I mean by fudge with the numbers I don't this is
where you could try to figure out what offer best um fits what you need okay
now for a Buy and Hold we can do the same thing we have if this is the same calculator for Buy and Hold but I have
it they are um seller finance versus Buy and Hold You can put the addresses in here you
can create them new tabs you can create this being a new document so on and so forth okay
as far as I have a rehab calculator okay and
here we go so you can do all your rehab calculations okay through each thing
this it will total the total up here at the bottom and you can even add in new ones that's
up to you that will bring your total estimate rehab
over to the side here total estimate now if you wanted to do a
quick estimated rehab what you want to do is put the square footage of the
property say it's a 1236 square feet okay
then figure out what works in your neighborhood in your Market okay if I'm just doing a
light rehab carpet Paint clean up so on and so forth okay I'm probably going to
be about 25 a square foot medium rehab okay I'm gonna need to make
some do some kitchen cabinets so I'm going to need to do so some things but it's not really intensive thirty five
dollars a square foot now large rehab 45 these are numbers you
can change talk with your contractor okay this is where you get good at listening talk with your contractor and
you can change these accordingly on here this is a drop down menu
okay so you do
medium and I don't know why it's not showing the drop down menu but
there's also large and you can see the number changes here that goes based on these numbers
okay so you do the drop down menu and that will get you
light rehab so on and so forth that will get you at least somewhat there in a
somewhat of an estimate before you go into a full uh a full rehab okay
so um that will get you probably this quick
rehab will get you the offer then when you do your due diligence that's when you're going to figure out all this okay
I do recommend everyone doing their own due diligence no matter what okay but uh
this is a in my opinion like I wanted a great calculator for all of these options for a seller finance for a Buy
and Hold I also wanted it for uh also a Fix and Flip okay
so for the areas you have to do your own due diligence on theirs but the thing I like about the
Fix and Flip is it adds Gap funding if you wanted to use other people's money in order to do the Gap funding this
allows you and this will calculate it in there and tell you whether it would be a good deal or not okay
100 so um I'm going to bring this down and I
will show you I'll bring up my website
all right a second here
so this is what you see when you go to my website
okay this is what you see when you go to my
website if you click here on digital downloads all right
if you click here in digital download you'll see this is the deal analyzer all right hey
how's it going Kevin what's up Kevin how you doing this is
Kevin from Facebook so this is the deal analyzer all right
you click on it and you go to add to cart all right when you finish it it'll email you a link to download it
all right um after you purchase it again I think this is a great deal
because the thing is is that this is a an Excel spreadsheet all right as an
Excel spreadsheet that you get to keep and you get to make more of as far as
you want it for this address okay save it as a new file all right
so um with that being said uh we're almost at 45 minutes here uh you know
I'm checking you know what we're doing here on our website is every we we put the podcast
on here okay um on our website so that if you do miss
them you can come to the website or you can go to the YouTube channel it's completely up to you all right
uh but we're gonna keep adding say as soon as we get another digital product
we're going to keep adding it here this is where we're gonna be if we get information from you guys that hey you
want more contracts you want a bundle package you want this if I'm going to
offer a freebie it's going to be here so I'm going to have you go to my website and it's going to be here so
keep a lookout for the website keep a lookout inside the Facebook group Metro
Detroit off-market Real Estate Group all right but also follow us on YouTube that
really helps follow us on YouTube like the videos on YouTube um I'm probably what I do all the time
is I take these videos that I'm doing these podcasts and we we break them up into uh recap videos 15 minute segments
so if you don't want to watch the long video watch us on the on the recap all right
so if anybody has any questions you can always message me privately okay
um you can also uh call me my number is right here at the bottom if you want a
JV on any deals there's a there's a link on the website to JV with me all right
so let me let me go back to the website if you want a joint venture
click here okay and it opens up it opens up this uh this this goes right
to my CRM I'll tell you that right now all right this goes right to my CRM
so um also if you want us to if you want to sell us your property you can fill out a
form here or you can do it in the JV form up to you but the digital downloads
and the podcast this is the the these are what I'm
working on I've been working on for a while and I'm I'm very proud of this website now so I appreciate everyone's
input I appreciate everyone that that is watching currently and as watching the
replay um we're trying to help out as many people out there as possible all right
at least that's what I'm trying to do I'm trying to help out as many people as I can if I can help you uh if I can help
anyone out there to uh be a wholesaler or do anything like that
you know to me that's really great I'd love to help people out by jvan as well
because that also helps me all right so with that being said I'm happy uh
you know we're going to cut it a little short than we normally do but I again if
you want a JV with me um here's my number at the bottom okay
and my email will be scrolling
here we go my email will be scrolling here Randy buys houses Mi gmail.com
okay so hit me up let me know what you got I'll give you
advice I'll do whatever I can and kind of go from there all right so uh with that being said
uh can it let's see oh Terry Penny how you doing
hey Randy can I share a story sure here Terry let's do this if you want to
come on let me invite you here we are about to
say goodbye but I'm happy you uh you didn't follow the link and it will bring you on
to stream yard they'll bring you in the back end and then I can bring you on here and you can tell us your story
all right so while we wait for Terry all right let's see if uh if that
happens while we wait for her anybody else any other questions put them in the chat all right and we'll go from there
we'll we'll wait for minutes
oh yeah to confirm what you're saying let me bring that here
to confirm your statement about doing what you say you've been doing and being on time
uh I can only type right now sorry okay so she's not gonna come on but she can
type all right we'll we'll try to follow along this is Terry Penny by the way
yesterday I I had a three o'clock appointment with a seller of a
commercial building and
let's see what she says now I heard about this this story let's see
let's see if it's what I'm talking about
yeah oh Kevin said hi Terry here we go all right Terry we're waiting for that
uh the rest of that story oh my God it's juicy now let's see what it says by doing what
you're saying oh my God by doing what you say you're gonna do come on I am I'm curious on what what got screwed up this
at 2 57 so he had an appointment at three o'clock and at 2 57 he called me
and said uh did I forget about uh did you forget about me I said sir it's not
three o'clock yet but I'm walking in right now I truly believe that if I was
late for my appointment I I I wouldn't have locked up a 2.3 million
dollar deal holy crap first off congratulations
congratulations Terry on locking up a 2.3 million dollar deal
right there if I had a bell I'd be ringing it right now yeah 100 yeah
by doing exactly what she said she was going to do by being there on time
she was there on time okay actually she was there at 2 57. all right
that is that right there it was awesome she was
a little early the seller called her and said hey did you forget about me
some sellers are very particular if you're not 10 minutes 10 or 15 minutes early I
you are late period so you gotta understand your seller on
that 100 thank you Terry for sharing that information and that just goes to
show everyone out there that this information you have to do what you say you're going
to do okay yesterday was Sunday by the way and and
so Sunday she's out there at three o'clock on a Sunday this is not during business business
hours all right but you but how many times have us real
estate people really gotten a good weekend off come on you know so congratulations Terry yes
Kevin congratulations to Terry 100 you know I I it is great it is crazy all
right so now when I see you tomorrow Terry you
you better tell me about this deal I wanna I wanna hear all about it all right maybe I gotta buyer for you who
knows we'll see all right so with that being said we're gonna have
a good one uh I'm gonna I'm gonna uh say goodbye we're gonna do the outro
have a good weekend or have a good week all right and if by any chance you are
around the Southfield area tomorrow all right tomorrow at six I think it's 6 30 is
Renegades Renegades meet up at Shields Pizzeria in Southfield all right check
that out and be there I know I will I know Terry will check us all out and uh
they also do the live stream as well so but for the most I love being there in person have a great day have a great
week and uh let's all do deals together.