Hey Everyone On Episode #15 We will be Talking with the Team 2 Excel about Team 2 Excel Let Real Estate Education guide to Build Relationships, and what they will be speaking about at the DETROIT REAL ESTATE BIX EXPO This Saturday. They provide events for real estate field. Come join us this will be a great one to go over with if you are an investor and anyone looking at real estate right now. If you are joining LIVE then put your questions in the comments and we will answer them LIVE.
This is for everyone out there who want to know about Metro Detroit Off Market real estate. We will be interviewing people every week and taking questions from everyone in the comments or they can come on video with us. we will post the link in the chat when the LIVE starts for those who want to come on video with us.
If you want to JV with me on any deals in Metro Detroit market Contact me though
E-Mail: RandyBuysHousesMi@gmail.com
Phone: (586) 307-4765
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Like what do we do about is you sign a contract with someone so real quick before you did that did you
get more than 30 years I got my real
estate license and your your origin story he made an age joke the last
time we were I'm gonna I'm gonna use that Kuka you know I'm a little more strict with
what I'm I'm looking at foreign
hey everyone how's it going out there I in YouTube land and Facebook you know
we are here for another episode of real estate talk with Randy Stedwell now
this is of goodness is out of the norm you know we are here on on a Thursday so
on a Thursday here we are here to promote it this event this Saturday
as well and in order to help me do that we have the the people who are putting
it on the great people are called the Team 2XL all right so they are local
here they have office in Southfield but they do other cities around the
world and I'm around the US and to help bring that all together and explain
more about who they are what they are I have lyric
Patrice Wendy Raven and with Raven is
also Miranda I believe is that right yes Miranda Miranda alright so
first off thank you for joining me thank you for coming on and we're going to try
to do let's do it like this here we go so we're gonna come on here and I want
to know first off Wendy thank you for coming back on here you are here on on
Tuesday with us I really appreciate coming back you are part of this 2XL team and
it it sounds like it's a great team at least from what I've heard from it so
now I don't know who wants to start off but give me the background of two a
team to Excel how you guys got started where you guys got started and what was
the origin for that who wants to start can I
yeah of course go ahead okay thanks for watching
would like to welcome to excel
Calhoun and Miranda and Raven welcome there welcome everybody
awesome thank you thank you Wendy
all right so we're going to jump in on answering that question for you yes so yeah so 2003
it was actually at that time it was myself in a group of
summer entrepreneurs that we were all in real estate we were all investing
and we were all either in real estate or in the stock market and we came together to form an
organization that would Empower people to learn how to use real estate in order to create wealth for their family
so that was in 2003 in the basement and from that point it began to
evolve into different models and
different niches along the way because the industry crashed in 08.
so we ended up focusing on our events and marketing side and just been you know one thing
after another but it's always been based in empowerment empowerment this lovely
team here has been with us over the last really the longest person
on the team here we've been together for about eight years inside this
particular business model so you got eight five and three and two yeah so in our 14 we
got more teams not here's some who are members but this is our core team and we've been rocking okay yes
yeah and I want to say also you know thank you I mean you guys are on your
way to Detroit at the moment so you're here coming for Saturday's event and it
is awesome you guys are on the road and you're taking the time to be on here so I gotta commend you for that you know
and thank you for that you know and you know it just shows you guys
this dedication to come here now Wendy we already interviewed you and we already know that you're already in
Detroit so you know you got the shortest commute right absolutely
exactly so so Laura you said basically it's it started by a group of people
helped empowering for education is that right yes is that in real estate or is
it in just all off forms who is primarily
really but there was also an entrepreneurship component to teach business
got it so that that is really awesome now
are you guys doing anything you're just teaching anybody who comes to you are you guys like how are you educating
people to be able to do this are you putting on classes in different cities are you or in in that City like how
did you start off by by doing that
thank you I yeah I think I can I think you might
be on mute but yeah all right can you hear me now
yes okay great thank you Randy
no of our events we've been hosting events for since
2003. Lorraine started off in empowering people with information in in resources
in the real estate industry and actually actually transfers itself over into life
and also into business because you know in order for you to be successful in anything
you have to have your mind right so right we incorporate a lot of principles into our education not just information
but also where are you at personally capacity
so that's how we do that okay that's awesome so you know
basically how do you say how first off you know you're driving thank you for
for you know even responding to that I really appreciate it so signal does come
in and out so please bear with us we're doing the best we can but you know with that being said
like you know how do you take somebody and if and if anybody here anybody out there who's watching has any questions
put them in the chat we'll answer them okay now if how do you
how do you tell whether they need to go to the next level how do you get them to the next level what's that process like
overview is fine yeah yeah so we have a process called the 90-day challenge we'll be introducing
that this weekend the e-pro the real estate Pro 90 Day Challenge Ebro stands for
entrepreneurial professional and okay it's a step-by-step process with a lot of accountability weekly
calls hand holding but also accountability to make sure that people start off with
an assessment to see what their strongest strengths are what people see them doing
the most what are the most passionate about because a lot of people get in real estate they just jump in based on what the last person is doing let me
myself if it's over 20 23 years total but this business 20
I know that you can jump in two feet but it's something that you have no passion
you don't have the desire to build your skills in that area and you may like you
don't you don't love sales at all but you got into wholesaling keyword was selling so then you wonder why he's not
working for you when you could have took those same administrative skills and start a property management company if
you've been just as successful you know or Hands-On skills to start a contractor business and still be in the real estate
industry so we do an assessment we use that assessment to guide them into a
point that they have a niche and a focus and then we take them through 90 days of
various activities and trainings to allow them to build up that business
okay and focus so Brandi asks do you do you all have
monthly meetings we do have
monk in every Market that we go in with our real estate business expo we launched 30 days later a monthly meeting
to keep people inspired to continue so windy in the corner up top there is
going to start the monthly meeting there in Detroit area
it'll start at our office and then it'll go to a local venue
and we have a meeting every month in Cleveland that's every second Thursday of the month
and those are called Real Estate Investors Association meetings okay we're going to be soon altering
the name a little bit but it'll be real business Network meetings or something in that nature but but yes they'll be
in every every city that we have an event got it so yeah and you know just Brandi
I don't know if you're part of our Facebook group Metro Detroit off Market Real Estate Group you know as I see
them I will share them to the group as well
I help them put them on yes as we go as we move forward I will do
all my best to help anybody and everybody I can so and that's what I try
to do so now with that being said okay so you come to each market and
you're doing these business expo these Expos and that's your kind of launch into that
city is that right and now you're you're doing monthly meetings into that
yeah so you're you're taking you're taking over markets basically like you started off with Cleveland did you do
Charlotte yet Raleigh Raleigh
next stop in well it's not our next stop Houston is the next stop November
Raleigh is in November so awesome and ah Brandi said yes thank you and yes I am
awesome I'm glad to have you part of the group so we will we will put that on no
problem I always like people who who come and watch on YouTube but they're still part of the group you know so
gross the channel now again anybody who is watching please if you have any
questions put them in the comments here you know but we'll continue to go move forward I I like the fact that
that's kind of your you know this this Expo is kind of your your launch into the into that that market that developed
you know and so are you are you guys looking to do fix and
flips are you looking to just be like mentors are you looking to just to help other people funding wise or bring all
those people who do those those things to help other people like tell me a little bit about that process
Raven you want to jump in well I can speak on one of the programs
that we have which is called Target program yeah it's a wonderful
program it's to educate women on the basic industry of real estate by empowering them with the tools
that will enhance their skills and put them in a position where they can
employ them and what they've learned and also be able to increase the quality of
life for them and within that program There's an opportunity not only to learn the industry of real estate but to
actually become a homeowner through one of the other programs we have which is called launch homes where
it's basically your home your way that's awesome so not only are you
looking to help investors but you're also looking to help potential homeowners
yes yeah right that that's awesome so so with that that is that is really
cool I've never seen anybody out there doing that so there's a lot of
different programs out there now I do have a question are you guys a
are you guys like a licensed agent as well
so we have one license agent broker which is Retreats on our team our team
okay and well we have more in our in our network but but routine Patrice is the
broker okay so she had the same thing that has to do with that side
and then Wendy is the investor side especially when it comes to Detroit area
so and I do want to answer one and one thing to your question there is that we
are there to develop but we're mainly there to inspire other people to develop
because a lot of times people just need more help in proving their own
communities so if we do something there it's usually going to be with someone
versus coming in and saying oh look look at all this territory we can just take up all this property and buy it and fix
it and create wealth that takes back to our community it's really the option we're coming to inspire the Detroit area
the Cleveland area the Carolina areas for people to wake up and
then of their own Community because they know
it best right so most definitely and I think that
really does come by transparent you know it comes through transparency it comes through by what you're doing and what
I've noticed is just from me doing wholesaling is that you know people want
you know they want the houses to be fixed up they want the houses in the
neighborhood to to go good they want a nice safe area because if you have too many run-down houses vacant houses
things like that all that does is bring danger to the neighborhood you have squatters you have you know people
who like to use them for drugs and things like that and you know no one
wants that around their kids it really doesn't you know so if you literally buy
it or wholesale it to an investor who's gonna fix it up and then rent it out and
put a nice family in there the whole neighborhood behind you you know and when I go to a new house say in
Detroit where I'm wholesaling the property okay and when I'm going
there I'm wholesaling it and I talk to I talk to some of the neighbors sometimes hey how you doing how's it going things
like that and hey this is what we're doing and working with investors to to see about fixing up the neighborhood and
and they're thanking me you know and now while I have this property under
contract I'm getting their number and I've had people hey did you know that
somebody's over at that house right now you know oh yeah yeah that that's one
of my contractors I sent them over there or if I didn't send anybody over there oh crap thanks for letting me know I
gotta get there and and make sure there's nobody's stealing anything you know so
so getting to know the neighborhood and the neighborhood liking you really helps
so I gotta Gotta Give a good shout out to my man Khalif Williams over there
he's he's on YouTube watching I sorry putting those fire Emoji Emoji there you
know love them he's actually one of my one of my friends that I do a lot of
JV deals with so I'm happy to be with them so but now
so tell me what you guys are so that's kind of how you got started a
little bit of what you're doing now kind of tell me more about this event that's going to be on Saturday and your
guys's words I I've gone on about it a little bit on on what I think is going to be there so tell me a little bit
about the structure what we're going to see at the event so that we can get a little bit more excited to get more excited about it
so our event that we're having this Saturday is going to be simply amazing
we have some serious Heavy Hitters that's coming in and I am super excited
I'm super excited about the team that's on his way here and so we're gonna go down there plan and set up everything
for this Saturday to give you a little tidbit if you
have a deal and you need some funding you definitely need to be in the building you need to bring your deal
there and we have some funders just flying in to possibly assist you with your deal
if it's feasible and stuff um that's what they're flying in for so again if
you are a contractor somebody want to get into real estate if you're a realtor
you definitely want to be at our event it's our first event here first um putting the real business expo it's
our first event here and we will start doing it every year so and each year we're going to have
different um people maybe some will return but it's going to be a really really nice event we got a a awesome
lineup so I'm looking forward to seeing everybody coming now to our event
so how is it going to be set up is it more of like a round table or is it more like in different rooms set up and I
know me and Lil Rick talked a little bit about it but I'm trying to tell everybody out here about it so
um you know how we're going to come into the event are we are there going to be different Boost Set up different places
things like that yeah
yeah I could jump in on that yeah yeah so we're going to do
okay sorry I I didn't hear you at all so say that again I just heard yeah right so we're going to have one main room the
main ball okay Crystal Ballroom of DoubleTree yeah the the main stage
oh can you hear me okay now yep yep so we're gonna have the main State presentations talked you know just
different things that are going with different speakers for the first half and then they'll be networking in
between and then afterwards there's going to be what we call
real estate table talks where people will be able to go around and sit at each table where
the speaker at the table will be able to present and interact and answer questions
on the topic that they're on each table will be labeled whole selling funding
title business credit all those different labels and you rotate every 20 minutes
to sit with someone different so you can be able to ask your questions about eight people to a table maybe nine
and it's just gonna be just Mayhem information a lot of synergy a lot of
instruments exchange where people can get
where people can get in the you know right like really get into it
because with the actual speaker saying versus it being so presentation like that you leave out of there with
information overload I want you know people will be able to write notes in their booklet everyone's going to be
given a program guide so they can actually write notes inside the program guide as they're talking to people and
things of that nature that's awesome so and and just to let everybody else
know I'm gonna be there talking about wholesaling beginning wholesaling and things like
that and anybody who does show up and as interested in that I'm giving away
a few of my contracts for people to start so beginning wholesaling I'm giving away
a purchase agreement and an assignment agreement okay those are the two main
things that you're gonna need when you're starting so I'm giving those away two people who are interested and
you know who is going to be at the event only the people that's going to be at the event so
absolutely awesome so yeah so with that we are gonna have
you know it's more it sounds like it's gonna be more of a big room people getting to know each other and the
biggest thing that I want to emphasize to people is is this is where you
network and you meet the people because even if you don't have a deal now you meet the people you talk to them and you
get to know what the people are there that what their buying criteria are what they're looking for so that when you
come across a deal you can think of them first and and sometimes you don't even have to do any marketing
you just sell it straight to them you know so coming from somebody who's done that
quite a few times it's really nice when you don't have to worry about the the buyer
when you're coming on the sales part so you know I really really think
about that now network with different people get to know everyone has different areas that they're
experienced in I think the biggest the biggest selling point of this is is
this is if you have deals that need funding I mean and you can
bring them there and get funding like it's crazy bring them there pitch your deals okay pitch your deals we talked to
the Kevin yesterday who is one half of the the funding partner I you know unfortunately Damon Damien had some
you know technical difficulties getting on the show so we're only talking to Kevin but I you know they're there to
listen to the deals and see if they can help you fund them you know and that's what they're coming in and if you can
get that like that's the hardest thing is to find funding in our area Okay
because a lot of people have minimums you know and you know they have like a
fifty thousand or a hundred thousand dollar minimum and when you're talking about me and Wendy were talking about
the other day where she bought her house for twelve thousand dollars you know like it's crazy where in the country can
you buy a house for twelve thousand dollars well here that's right you know exactly you know so
when you have a house that well you know what we need to pay twelve fifteen thousand dollars for and it needs about
75 000 worth of work and the ARV are about 150. A lender is going to lend on
that all day long you know so you know that's where you're gonna
you're gonna look into this and that's where this expo here is gonna come in
handy for anybody who wants to join who wants to go in so
you know tell me let's go through the team and tell me a little bit about what
your guys's role in the team and what you guys do so we'll start off with
let's start we'll go backwards we'll start off with Raven first
hello again this is T Raven Harris Houston out of Cleveland Ohio I sit in the chair of her management and
also on the event awesome awesome and and what so you're on the
chair sitting on the events team so you're help putting on the events as well as your how do you helped do that
program that you were talking about earlier as well yes okay awesome and then let's hear
from Madrid that's right next to you as well [Laughter]
Rhonda I am so sorry I'm horrible James by the way sorry about that
I am the administrative consultant so I assist with
members science I assist with all events as well
okay that that's awesome all right and let's
go to Wendy hello everybody my name is Wendy Barber and we have our 2XL office here in
Southfield and I helped put on events as well and I run the 2XL office that we
have in Southfield which we're going to be putting on different events there starting next month we're gonna have several monthly meetings there is
Southfield and other locations as we grow I I can't wait to be there
you know we have a there's another Southfield Meetup that we go to it's the
first Tuesday of every month it's Renegades okay I've been there before
yeah so that that's an awesome place just just don't coincide it with that one I have to unfortunately
I like that one so okay alright
so we'll go to Patrice
of the chief operations officer and all the day-to-day stuff with the team any training on our
backup on our systems our you know our tools that help set up all of our events all that good stuff everything that
helps to keep the engine running and keep Mr Calhoun going as well so
that I do on the team awesome and then we'll go with lyric
all right so I am the coach I am the marketer I focus on making sure that we
have a brand that we're pointing in the right direction with it and the the
events that we pull together all the components that that make them up I kind of work to
design those to fit the industry they were pointed in which is real estate and
like I said on the coaching side I work with our clients to help them to be able
to grow their business and my main focus right now is not necessarily
as much as the clients that are trying to do the fixes level but the speakers that are going to be on the stage are my
clients I'm supporting them and getting their products to you all or to
people out in the community okay awesome and how do you so are you
the only coach on the team do you are do you have more questions
now everyone on the team actually wears a coaching hat in their area of
expertise So Raven is an actual life coach she also
teaches and runs the youth education program with the organization Wendy was
pretty bashful and not sharing that the rumors she's in right now is one of
her properties one of her launch homes is she developed in Detroit and she
teaches other people how to set those homes up and also how to be able to so she coaches them into being able to
help them to you know either get into the group own business and then Miranda
helps and coaches people with the back office and when it comes down to administrative
tools how do you manage your business on a day-to-day basis with the administrative side so whatever each
person is doing for the company those same skills are the skills that you hear them teaching and holding
accountable when we're working with clients most definitely so
so finances things of that nature that's awesome so I am
I'm very glad that you guys are doing this because I actually had like for
the longest time I I've always had a an idea and this is the reason why I've
started actually doing YouTube you get my story out there do what I'm doing and I want to help as many
say young entrepreneurs as possible because one thing that we never got taught as a kid going through school is
entrepreneurship and how to handle money okay and you know the thing is is that
there's such a lack of Education out there for the people going up that they
think no no offense to anybody who thinks this but they think that the government's going to take care of them all you know
that no matter what happens if something goes back the government's going to take care of and that's just simply not true
you know when you start relying on the government it it's going downhill very fast
because they're and no offense to anybody who is but in my experience the
government is only out to get their voters and get just enough
to get your vote and that's it you know to do just enough so
you're never going to get ahead by relying on the government ever okay you can take that to the bank
period so I you know so with that I really like to hear like
I really like to educate as many people and that's why that's why I'm doing this YouTube
channel as well and doing my Facebook group and that's why I tell people I'm an open book you want to ask me ask me
anything I'll answer it for you no problem I'll give you my personal opinion you know
you know and I'll try to back it up with as much evidence as possible okay but I I'm and I'm not gonna lean One Way
lean left or lean right by any means I leave politics out of it okay I'm just being completely honest like you know
business is business and you gotta treat it like business so the more we can teach young
entrepreneurs how to handle money properly and how to
actually think like an entrepreneur not think like an employee think like it you
know think like how can I replace myself and still make the same amount of money
yeah and it just keep coming in you know so one of the books that changes much
changed my life and probably changed a lot of it even probably one of you guys or all of you is the yeah I call it the
entrepreneurship Bible Rich dead Poor Dad yeah so
that was my favorite book and what changed my viewing in entrepreneurship
in money in all of that so I kind of want to ask each one of you what what
book helped inspire you to get on the entrepreneurship path and you know going
forward I'll start off with lyric
so my book was finished Bloodworth key to yourself
Vanessa Wadsworth b-e-n-i-c-e
okay blood or key to yourself
and yeah it was probably about
23 years old and it basically in so many words summed
up quickly know now and the Think and Grow Rich is is that whatever you think about
most that you can begin to produce in your mind has the ability to begin to
produce and attract based on your thoughts and how powerful they are and I once I understood that
concept it helped me to really begin to believe in myself
as an entrepreneur as an aspiring businessman and that just drove me to do the rest
that book wow that's awesome so you know that it
basically helped turn your mindset or change your mindset is that right
mindset or change your mindset
so yeah we're getting a little bit low signal from the Rick it's because
he's driving here so that's all right so yeah
all right awesome so let's go with Raven Raven what what was the book that
changed you your mindset or changed how you look at things
since you stole the one that I had which was
yep you know this is gonna sound a bit unusual but leaving or not the Bible
the Bible has a lot of interesting Concepts in
that when it comes to money find you know finances and even entrepreneurship
and you know some of the stories that you read and it you know if if you
really look at it it really teaches you a lot about life and it's like you know you hear these stories about you know
the the merchant the the you know the cobbler and things like that that own
you know oh
you know you know those things you know I broke them down in my brain and I was like you know what
that's when you're going to the stores and see other individuals they have their children and they're with them you
know yeah so and I'm old school anyway so that is something that I got from the
Bible and mentioned in my life okay okay awesome
so how about how about Miranda what was your book
Mr Johnson that wasn't for who Moved My Cheese
who Moved My Cheese correct I believe okay Mr Johnson
that I think that book was inspirational and
reminded you not to get stuck and okay sometimes you're just a regular
employee you just go to work you
and it was to make you be able to sniff out and see when things are about to change or move and I took it as
should not always get stuff done when things shift life shifts yeah
knowing how to see it coming and make adjustments and keep moving just keep
moving and go find your new kids okay that's awesome so yeah I really appreciate that and
you know that that sounds like it's a really good book I I'm gonna have to start writing it down
okay you can read that quickly it is powerful
it's a great book I think young people awesome awesome so I so we'll go with Wendy Wendy
what do you what book helped change your mindset on
financing investing to get you away from the employee mindset
so actually it wasn't really a book I were sitting on the couch one day
watching Oprah back in the day in 1996.
so yeah so we started a cleaning service
so good job I really didn't like the job that I was going to and I decided that I
want to be an entrepreneur and I've always wanted to be in real estate but I started off with the cleaning services
and I was doing residential and then I start to do commercial
and then I started investing into real estate you know houses and and other
stuff so yes but it was watching Oprah Winfrey I'm talking about entrepreneurship in 1996
that's awesome so so yeah that that's really great and it
sometimes it doesn't have to be a book you know honestly it was hard for me to
read books growing up because I actually have just dyslexia and you know I don't
know a lot of people don't know this about me is I have dyslexia with
Reading Writing and comprehension so the reason why is it takes me forever to
read and the reason why is because I have that's how I comprehend if I read it too fast it just it's in
one ear and out the other you know so I have to slow it down and some people
even get mad at me for how slow I read but that's how I absorb the information
and unfortunately it also puts me to sleep too so
so I like a lot of audio books nowadays but Rich Dad Poor Dad was the book that
I read Hands-On so that was awesome so Patrice what about you what book
helped change your mind your mindset you guys may not have heard of this book
I'm going to share it anyway it's a secret I didn't want anybody else thinking about this book okay here we go
it was a book of life so throughout my journey in life
I've held several positions in Corporate America and to your point Randy earlier
when you were talking about the government how you know when things happen and
things shift employment all of that can go away in a in a
blank so that is what I experienced in 2008. my first chapter in The Book of Life
at that time I didn't know what I was gonna do I had two children I was I was
laid off and mortgage you know how am I gonna survive
so during this time I had the idea of hey I love to organize
and clean why don't I go and clean someone's house just for a few extra bucks
yep but that started happening reached out to some family hey can you help me out I
can clean your home that started a journey like oh I can really do that right
long story short on that one is that I couldn't bear all of the work because it was just too much for one person so I
looked into something else so led me to my second chapter in a book of life
that was my kids at that time they went to a school system that were just
transitioning over to school uniforms so I found that
normally after the beginning of the year school year you can't find any students
so my entrepreneurial thought at the time and I really didn't know what it was but again trying to survive right I
said why not start my own school uniform business so that is what I did it was online I
talked to the parents at the school hey I can get your kids some uniforms cash on delivery and that is how that part
started now of course I didn't believe in myself enough and right at the moment I got another position
so I kind of let all of that go but that was my first two chapters into the introduction of my entrepreneurship like
The Book of Life yep that's awesome and that's one thing that
I I see this this whole book of life that you're talking about it it truly is
it's based on decisions that we make you know I'm not trying to preach here by any
means but the the the the decisions that you make create who you are for instance
you just said you didn't have enough confidence in yourself to continue on that business so you made that decision
as soon as you got another job offer you took it you know and I I had the same
type of experience I worked on a cruise ship as a photographer I came off that
cruise ship and tried to make it on my own as a freelance photographer and as soon as the opportunity came up
for a staff position for somebody you know I I took it because I didn't I
wasn't getting enough clients coming in I didn't have enough confidence in myself mainly my pocketbook couldn't
handle it so but that's right and it still happens today yeah that's part of
why we have the passion to do what we do is because we help people to continue to write their book
because there's going to be High pillows and everything and with our event Saturday all of our events we have
people that are passionate about giving information and help people get to the other side of these moments because they
are naturally going to happen so that is why I'm here you know that's why I was
drawn to the organization in 2015 and I fell in love because you could
you could there was no feeling to how you can help people and so that is why we're on this
journey and we're going to continue this journey because people need help I don't care if you're post selling your real
estate agent you're a mortgage broker it doesn't matter what position you hold at some point you're going to need some
help you're going to need some support and what inspired me in this part of my my life is being around people on that
lyric he was introduced into my life and I'm so grateful because he was able to
say no you can do this you can and so with the right coaching and the right
support being around like-minded people you can actually achieve your dreams you
can finish that book so that is why we do these events I don't if you're just
starting you want to scale you want to grow you want to take a different direction in your business we can help
with that so I just wanted to share that passionate part of why I'm here why I do
with the organization and you know and I I just can't stop yeah most definitely and this is one
thing that I've learned throughout my book of life myself I'm 39 years old
this is my I've gone through three careers this is technically my fourth career and you know I will say this if
you're doing something you're passionate about whether it be on the side whether it be your main gig whatever you will
never do a day of work in your life okay and the money will follow like it may
not follow right away this is what I had to learn I had to learn a trust in the process the money if you're consistent
and doing the things that you like to do and but you still have to have an
entrepreneurial set mindset okay like for instance me giving this stuff away
is it it everybody's like well why can't you just you you can sell those contracts easily yes but I want to help
people first the more I help people guess what they're gonna bring me deals
and want to JV with me whether I give them my contracts or not because I have no knowledge
so in the return I'll get more out of it you know that's how that you know when I put
stuff out there when everybody put you you put good out there you will get
you will get returned ten folds it may not be right away but you will get returned and I you know
you can't but you can't go and you can't do it with the expectation of getting a return okay if you go in there every time and
expecting a return right away you're going to be disappointed
that's what I've noticed and hope hopefully what I said just made sense so
all right so so we're coming up to the end here and I kind of wanted to know
what is your guys's future obviously we know a little bit about doing the
monthly meetings going off to different cities and doing the same thing what is your guys's future and how
can people from our channel here help you guys move forward
jump in don't go all at once
the future is to continue to Empower those that are empowering people
like yourself people that are are going to be able to Stage Saturday
so to give them the support to give you all the support that you need the encouragement
to go out and do what it is that's on your heart what's in your purpose what's in your gift
to continue to do that is our work the movement that we have going right now is
called one million empowered you'll see that on the flyer
every person that we see at that event is going to be deducted from that one Million number
you know once we've touched a million people with our events our you know shows like this now of course we can't
count each one by one we get a good average of what's going on but the more we get
the word out there and the more people we touch the more the world we become more self-sufficient they'll understand
that they can do for self as my mom always shared and that if they just
believe in themselves that they can create whatever World whatever life they
want to create as this world change into more technology more artificial intelligence
more robots robots as it becomes that people are going to
need to know that they can win and so you're going to continuously hear us in this space teaching people how to
excel using the same vehicle real estate because it is such a powerful vehicle we
didn't just choose a money-making vehicle we chose a vehicle that no
matter which way you start and whichever angle you start from you can make money in real estate you can start off by just
sweeping somebody's front yard you say I only got a truck with a couple dollars worth of gas or you can charge somebody
to go pick up their Home Depot equipment or tools you say well I don't have anything including a paintbrush but I
painted before but somebody could get the paint kit tell you to meet them at the house and paint for them so you
literally can do every time one house transfers over a hundred different careers are impacted by one house
transact so our vision is continue to use real
estate and empowerment and events to be able to bring about people with resources tools and accountability that
they can build their cells themselves and their family you know in a different life
through using this vehicle so we just you know that's that's it you
know have intangible offices in different cities different individuals the team to excel Network being even
larger you look up and next time you can't even fit up all those streams all right it'd be so many teams we sell
members right you know so that's that's just a little bit about
field of where we're looking to go that's awesome and you know and just let
you know anybody who's gonna be at this event you know get to stop get to know
these people like you know everybody that I have on here you know great
people great energy and the people who are not on here you know you know
they're they're gonna be great and get to know people get to know who they are get to know your buyers out there get to
know the people who come to the events as well so that's the biggest thing is
you know that's why they put on these events is to network network network
if you don't know how to network with somebody just talk that's it
you know just just talk get to know each other make sure you take people's phone
number down email addresses names and follow up with that person you know and
go from there so see what they want what they're looking for especially if you're a wholesaler see what their criteria is
and you know what in in some cases if you're a brand new wholesaler you're a beginner wholesaler and you get to know
these buyers and they tell you their specific criteria now you can Niche down
your list to those that areas and as soon as you get a deal take it
right to them you know so with that being said I really want to
say thank you to everybody who is on here thank you Patrice thank you Rick
Wendy Raven and Miranda
hopefully I said that right so yeah so and thank you all I really do
appreciate you guys coming on one last thing before we go we're gonna I'm gonna
share my screen here okay and we are going to show you exactly how
to purchase tickets this is the website this is this website is in the description below okay in the
description below you're gonna go down here you're gonna purchase tickets now okay right now all the free tickets are
gone okay it's past 100 people there's this general admission but this is general admission for two for 129 I
think is a great value but we do have an extra you know only 50
people at this price is a discounted price at the moment for 49.99 for one
person okay it's a discounted price I I think that's a tremendous deal so
go ahead and you know check that out and we can kind of
you know those are the the tickets and you know hopefully we can
sorry there so you know get your
ticket now for this Saturday if you haven't already got it and you know hopefully the traffic won't be too bad
with the with the Grand Prix in downtown Detroit hopefully we can get through
so that yeah but I I'm gonna be there we're all gonna
be there I'm gonna be covering through my event I may not be going live obviously but I'm going to be doing
video recording all throughout the event and then we're gonna put put together a montage of the whole of the whole
night and it will come out on our Channel later on so I really do appreciate it thank you lyric for
reaching out thank you everyone for coming on here and I cannot wait to see you guys on
Saturday thank you
thank you you guys have a great day have a great evening and drive drive safe you
guys are driving on your way up here to Detroit drive safe please all right thank you all right thank you good night
Have a good evening you too everybody good night.