Real Estate Talk w/ Randy Stedwell Episode #5 | Dean Gozowsky about the Market & upcoming events

On Episode 5 we will be talk with Dean Gozowsky about the maket and upcoming events. Dean is a Agent, Wholesaler and investor.

This is for everyone out there who want to know about Metro Detroit Off Market real estate. We will be interviewing people every week and taking questions from everyone in the comments or they can come on video with us. we will post the link in the chat when the LIVE starts for those who want to come on video with us.

If you want to JV with me on any deals in Metro Detroit market Contact me though


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Hi everyone how's it going uh I just wanted to we are live here and I want to

we are here for another session of real estate with Randy Stedwell and there we

go real estate with Randy said what real estate talk with Randy Stedwell uh and

so we are here we are going to be joining with I

Dean Gozowsky and uh so happy

to have him we've had him on here before uh but this was before we changed the

name so I figured we'd bring him back and kind of go from there so this is episode number five for uh for this year

and uh we're about you know if you want to know his origin story or anything

like that go back into the YouTube channel and see the previous episode uh it was one of

the actual first episodes that we've done uh so I'm happy to you know have

him back and we can kind of go over uh more updated things like the state of

this Market everybody wants to know that what we're doing what he's doing for the future things like that things of that

nature we also have a a few surprises he has a few events that he's going to be

be announcing and kind of taking it from there so without further Ado

I'm gonna bring in Dean Dean how is it going what's happening man how's my

lighting I it's a little dark but I mean we can make you out so all right well I just

got this new this light over here and I'm trying to oh the ring light oh yeah yeah that's I I'm using that too

hey what excuse me but maybe mine's not big enough that's all right

compensation yeah thanks again for having me out man this is I enjoy being on the show and being

I feel like a star for a little bit you know it's like it's oh yeah over here well it's because you are a star

you are a star yeah I get it and you're the Big Dipper all right yeah let's play some Prince not at all no I I'm a small

guy I'm over here I'm just trying to ride your coattails over there you know so we're having fun we just got back

from uh Franklin Tennessee uh so we're part of a mastermind flip hacking live you heard that web or the uh the

event right foot packing yeah yeah so flip hacking live I if anybody doesn't know it was an event that happened down

in Tampa or was it Orlando yep Orlando that's where they had land last year yep yeah so it was a great event if you

ever get a chance to go again I definitely recommend going I did not go

myself I had personal things that came up unfortunately

but I recommend anybody from everybody that I have seen has come back

with stories upon stories of good things that happen and people good people that

they met it's all about networking no matter where you go to these events it's not about the speakers that are speaking

I think there's more value in just networking with the people that are there you know

you know so it's it's crazy because I don't really like as much as I want to

hear the speakers you know like the big time speakers Pace morby uh Jamil Daniels uh you know people like that I

it's great to hear them and and things like that but you really go there to to speak with everybody else who's doing

the same thing that you're doing to be able to come up camaraderie and and you know anybody who is well as who's above

your level and you can learn from them so that's the good thing about places

like that is that you can learn from everyone else just by having a

conversation and you never know where it leads to in the future so yeah you at a

network Meetup and look where we're at now yeah where was that was it was it at the Ria or

where was it what do you so I met you actually uh I'm trying to remember which Meetup

that I met you at because I I see you at quite a bit of them um I know I met you at the Ria uh and

then I think after a few more events we I met you at the like the the one at

mcv's Pub and and so on and so forth so uh yeah cool but yeah um I apologize I'm still

struggling with the lighting over here but I'm not going to dwell on that too much more because it's just gonna be like oh this guy that's all right

lighting is it I swearing on it that much but yeah I'm in a hotel room so

yeah so yeah so it's uh it's crazy I had to travel for my day job

but you know whether I'm traveling or not I'm still coming here to provide value to everybody else and and and do

my best so yeah I'm trying to be as consistent as possible every Monday at

eight so if you don't know where the next one's gonna be it's gonna be next Monday at 8 p.m I don't know who I'm

gonna have on next you never know so yeah unless it's next Monday at 8.

unless it's next Monday yeah no so so you were saying you were

talking about community and Association and you got a lot of these Talking Heads that are out there right now

this is what they're preaching right this is like yeah you gotta get together you gotta I gotta remember when we were

down at athlete packing live uh the pace

actually came in to speak and you know here's there was a meet-up that he was doing

off-site and some people actually went there you know I don't know if I don't know if

that was the one that Andre 3000 from Outcast or somebody from Outcast maybe it was Big Boy showed up

yeah I think it was big boy okay okay maybe it was that one uh but but in

short like they showed up him and uh I think he was with some other guy Jerry

Norton was there as well yeah and he says uh you know like networking

is keyed you gotta like that was his little his pitch you know yeah it's all about Association right so stay stay

with your group see with your you know your people and grow uh together and it's so important with community and

so or very very early in the show here let's talk about this because I've got

two events I want to plug shamelessly promote these two events and uh what

we've got is the 22nd of February okay all right the 22nd is going to be uh

one of our masterminds that we do all right uh there's no charge to get into this one okay you know I've already

made it to tfb you've been to these before we get a good you get a good decent turnout

that one right there we're going to talk about Market statistics we're going to talk about the trends and that's how I

started off all these meetings right so that's the first one to put into the event

or you're in your event calendar uh is on the 22nd of this month all right

February 22nd now it's going to be at six uh 6 30 probably is what we're going to actually kick it off and it's at

the Keller Williams office over in Novi and don't worry we're not pitching you you know come be part of Keller

Williams it's like this is what we're doing right Community right you said 6 p.m six uh

yeah arrive at six I mean I'll be there at six but I think we're gonna kick off at 6 30 and do the whole MC thing I

don't know exactly who's gonna be on the roster other than some of the folks that have been at uh

well just got back from Franklin Tennessee with us at The Mastermind so anybody who's out there anybody who's

new right here event February 22nd at 6 30 p.m now we will be posting in the

fight in our Facebook group Metro Detroit off Market Real Estate Group I will get with Dean we will post

whatever event calendar or anything like that that he's having we will post it

there okay so if you if for some reason you take it off I will keep reminding

you as well every every week um until the event but I will be there

okay uh so February 22nd I'm gonna look at my calendar see when that is that is

uh and and in two weeks from Wednesday so

you need to be there especially if you're new okay

um even if you're not new get to networking with people I he puts

on a great play uh you know he does great interviews and uh he has great

people talking but again it's just about getting in the room with like-minded

people period okay I you know if you have any questions about that reach out

to Dean you'll be able to get his information at the end of this end of this show as well um and kind of go from there so that's

the first event second event is March 8th

okay March 8th we've got none other than Bill Allen coming in from footpacking live he's the

guy who like runs the show all right so the guy he's trained many many different

entrepreneurs and Real Estate Investors and uh you know he's flying in he's got his own airplane he's flying into

Oakland County Airport and then we're gonna you know take him over to a venue um and to meet with some of the people

that are already involved in the 7ff team uh locally so we're going to do that and

then we're going to get on over to the uh the event and then again that's going to be at six o'clock at um

you know there's a little meeting spot that we've got going on uh over in White Lake we'll get all the

addresses we're gonna have an event page and all that but uh I tell you you know there's going to be a cover charge for

that one okay but I'm talking like this guy's gonna bring extreme value I'll drop the video

the promotion video that we've got in your page that way your people can have

a look at it and at least see what this guy looks like and then begin the you know the

search now when you say there's a cover charge is it it's not like a thousand dollars

right almost okay it's probably going to be about 25

and what we have to do we're renting a venue yeah this event will definitely outgrow the office we're gonna pay for

some of the things because well I mean the guy's flying his own plane in in that costs

you know but you know we want to leave him with something so so so in my opinion 25 is like a drop in the bucket

especially whether you're new you're not new it doesn't matter you pay more than

that on a freaking Starbucks for an entire week okay so get your butt out

there there's no excuses I you know pay the 25 bucks for the cover charge

you know uh and kind of go from there again I will be there okay

I you know on first as long as nothing unforeseen happens I will be there okay

and I you know you need to get around like-minded people period

community community community community period that Network as much as possible

all right that's I I cannot preach that enough uh anybody who says otherwise I

can do this on my own you can but you're not going to grow as fast you're not going to grow as much

it's tough business it is a tough business if you're doing it on your own

you know ever since reading Rich Dad Poor Dad it was uh

uh it was laid out right there that you got to build your team you know and then as this business evolves a little bit you know like and

you're truly paying attention to it I like that you've gotta like let me let me ask you real quick if what would

you say the percentage of wholesalers versus flippers in this group are

so I would probably say there is a good portion and there's

probably more wholesalers but a good portion of those wholesalers are also flippers okay and they're also

buying hold investors so um you know you still got a lot of

buyers that still flip and still buy and hold and you know I I don't know if I

could put a percentage on it but you know I I would say we at least have 50

of at least flippers and buying holders both buyers at least 50 if not

more so yeah so you know well here's here's ultimately why I bring that up you know

I've got a lot of different things going on in my uh my mind right now you know coming out of

this Franklin Tennessee event and you know they're talking about things like Ai and how to use it and you look at all

all this different information you know there's you know the real

estate market I mean right now people are talking like ah the Market's gonna crash the the FED is raising rates and

like all this stuff that we're hearing right like if it's one thing you can learn from me

is is simply you need to know your numbers you need to be able to track your numbers

you need to build your team you need but all that stuff goes in with it right but but moving on from the building

the team comment you you like for real you have got to absorb

yourself with the information you get you gotta just you know you know absorb

it all into your mind that you can and you know and it's not necessarily driving down the road and listening to

music like you're listening to the podcast you're listening to uh like specifically this podcast right yeah

like oh do you know how many people actually sit down and actually watch Dean wave his hands and you know you

know rather than doing that the way that I listen to podcasts Alex

hermosi whoever you know yeah I just put them on YouTube I'm right on the phone and just let it ride you know that way

I'm getting the audio I'm getting the you know some of the mindset that I want to you know put it from there

but as you're listening to the Talking Heads of the world telling you the Market's gonna crash the market is you

know doing whatever you gotta watch and understand

what truly are we um what are we up against right you hear

people losing jobs uh you know Market going 30 backwards on the west coast

and I hear these this from these people that are in my Mastermind groups my small you know accountability groups

you know within our Mastermind but I'll tell you here locally and this

is speaking from a you know an agent I've been a licensed agent since 2012.

broker at my office not ebroker but an associate broker and you know years in

the business you start to see certain Trends okay interest rates go High people freak out for a couple months and

then they're like yeah no big deal we can still buy a house we are still truly within we're dealing

with multiple offer situations right so the market is still reasonably

warm I'm going to say it's happening no you know the key thing is is that you

have to price things appropriately you can't price them 10 20 000 above what

you know the cops say and think you're going to get 20 offers you have to price them appropriately and

if you price them appropriately you will get multiple offers yeah and that's what we're living right

now I mean you know I had you know great example is uh you know a house over in Commerce

okay um you know we happened to uh know the

people that flipped the house and they priced it aggressively like it's at the top of the market right

um but because it's done so well so like they've done a good job yep and now

they've got they actually have a really good Agent out there great pictures stage the property beautifully you know

it's overall a good presentation right it's about marketing right yes

um you know 20 plus people you know through the open house is a two-hour open house

and and next thing you know you got multiple offers appraisal guarantees still so it's still happening in the

market now that's Commerce very desirable area let's go all the way over to Redford

okay I had a deal like like everybody knows or should know that if you are in

the process of getting a mortgage and you're like in underwriting don't change

jobs okay right and then we're talking a little bit more retail right now but

this ties in with wholesalers and it even else flippers right um because it all boils down to being

able to deliver a properly priced product say that ultimately fast right property

um you know you got to be able to make sure that these things are going to sell on the back end yep but without getting too

scattered it's property over in Redford this lady quit her job ends up losing her financing

and we are literally like a week or so from

closing on the deal and she can't so now it's like well let's go find

another buyer and as a listing agent that's what I do so that's we put it on Open Market

literally like two days in we got another offer we had we had plenty of Interest so there's still people looking

from the 150 000 price point all the way up to 300 and um I tell you I really am

looking forward and we're gonna throw a party at this one we're finishing up a product uh property here at the end of

the month here it's over at Farmington Hills like the 11th break area and

um man that is 2700 square foot of colonial goodness man this thing turns

out it's it's looking really good right now so I'm excited to throw in that party and having you guys out there for that one

yeah that'd be awesome um I actually have a buyer who

um I sold two houses to I've sold more than two houses to them but right now he's working on two flips one in

Shelby and one in Farmington and I like he these were complete gut

jobs that he did and he that's one thing he specializes

in is he like rearranges he's a framer and he rearranges everything and I keep

getting these updates through snapchat from him yeah oh my God it's crazy I'm

like dude you're killing it you're killing it that's a that's fun

you're you're a good encourager I see that yeah you know you you hold a um like here's what I can appreciate from

the you know conversation standpoint is that you keep it rolling yeah you know you're not one to talk over anybody

else or anything else you know it's you know so I can I I hope that that compliment comes through well for you I

really appreciate it yeah yeah it does um so so we kind of all want to know we we've

seen the market the way it's going right now everybody I I see there's a lot of

Scare Tactics from Scare Tactics that the media is putting out there and

they're like there's so many gonna be so many foreclosures get ready for it it's gonna crash it's gonna crash

and all I hear with that is as a wholesaler Chang

[Music] and the reason why is because guess what I do I can use all

that as leverage with the sellers when I talk to homeowners now I'm not here to

convince anybody to sell their house not here to convince anybody to say hey this

is what market value is I give people options if they want to take that my option

great as far as working with me if they want to take the you know the option of

going on the MLS I will recommend a good realtor like yourself you know uh but I

give them options and go from there now the reason why I say this is because I

educate them about the market now do I

with everything that's being set out there sometimes I don't even have to educate them now

because it's all over the news and you know and I'm like well you know

we're investors we can't pay retail right you know we got to get at a

discount we gotta be able to make money we got to be able to feed our families uh you know so they understand that

and be like we're gonna go in here and probably spend a good forty fifty thousand

dollars and if you want us to make what five grand I can't do that

you know so I walk through the numbers backwards with my Sellers and if you do

that that's also educating them you're like hey look the one right down the street sold for a hundred grand you know

in order yours needs in order to be up to par for that one your yours is going

to need about 30 to 35 000 worth of work you know

uh you know unfortunately after I pay once I do that I'm gonna have to pay

realtor commissions closing costs things like that you know

so I do the math with them and I'm like you know I'm looking here just to try to make a 10 return 10 to 15 return you

know things like that so I I mean what if what issues have you come across

with sellers coming into this Market a great question

you know as you're walking me through that I you know I cringe a little bit

I'm like uh one of the things that we're working on at the office is anchoring low okay

making sure that we're anchored low and and being able to be profitable because

we don't know if the market slides or if it plateaus or like right now we're seeing it's hot in certain cases but

we have to be prepared for the backslide got to all right and maybe

let's talk about indicators of the backslide here in just a bit all right

but pricing it appropriately to cause it to sell or negotiating the deal up front

that you can actually close on the deal so number one you know you can close on it you can fund the deal you're going to

be able to resell it if you're wholesaling like it's so important to just

you you have to be up front with your sellers it has to be tactful and and

just you know there's I mean it's the whole language of sales I bought a um you know we're buying classes right now

okay you know we got Grant cardone's thing you know it's unbreakable challenge they just did that

so we've got that going on I also bought the sell me this pen Challenge from Jordan Belfort okay that's a really

good one talking about earning trust in the first four seconds of a conversation you know

or over the phone or in person like everybody's got these mental images in their head and if somebody's in a hooded

sweatshirt and you know there's and they talk like they uh you know

don't have a clear voice I mean like people have images so ooh the things to

stack the cards in your favor and set yourself apart from the crowd I mean so that's those are all little just

little things from their sales training but um what we're doing right now is is we're really trying to sharpen our iron

and make sure that our team is going in at the right number right and in you know John Martinez if

you're familiar with that sales training he talks about taken away at the opportunity hey it

doesn't look like you're really you know in a position to actually do this transaction or sell this house right now

you know so I'm just you know not going to insult you with an offer or whatever you know however you need to

word it yeah but I mean there's so many different ways and

I'm telling you right now as the market progresses it's always progressing yep you're going

to have to become so much better you're going to have to become sharper as a wholesaler as a deal finder as a

as only this is like a big struggle like full transparency this is a struggle that we

got going on right now maybe it's mainly you know mostly just in our minds

but being able to identify where you truly need and that's where your team comes into play

right I got a partner very very transparent and he's like hey this is where we're at man that's what we got to

do I'm like I agree yeah our closing percentage our ratio of closed deals

versus appointments is not where it needs to be and you start to identify as you look through your books and you

understand how um you know what your number what your kpis your Camp performance indicates

right your kpis you got to know your business you gotta track your like there's so much that goes into it you

know I'll talk about this stuff for a very very long period of time but um can we shift gears out of that and

get into like where the Market's going and and some of the things to watch for

yeah most definitely um I had one so one question that I

uh Tracy Belinda uh asked me was uh this is the problem we're running into every

time I see a house I'm interested in there are multiple offers over ask my

issue is that uh that plus I'm out of state a uh if I

come to Detroit she's from Miami for a week I look at I'm sure she meant

properties uh do you think I'll have a better chance of obtaining a property I'm a cash buyer looking for 40 to 60

range near Bagley it's searching it's like searching for a unicorn and for

this I will tell you I will tell you Tracy is that

is very hard to find something like that in the Bagley area

in your range that nobody's jumping all over my advice

to you and Dean can have his own advice on that he'll answer the question in just a moment as well but my my

advice is get with not only agents it's an addition to

wholesalers okay now you have them send you the deal

first you look at to see if it meets your criteria if it does you have to act fast and that

way you can view or walk the property okay now you have to fully understand what

your buy box is what you're willing to do as far as the renovation is goes sometimes you in order to get what you

want you need to do a bigger renovation that means a lot less people are going

to be interested in it if you want a turnkey solution that is not the range

you're going to be in not in the Bagley area okay

um just my opinion you can take it for what it's worth it's probably not even worth the two cents that's printed out

so but I'll let Dean ask answer that for you yeah so um just for

perspective sake we just listed a um a property on woodingham in Bagley okay

yep 15 1600 square foot something like that basement garage you know it's a

really nice house it's got the nice Sandstone accents

that it's 100 updating you know it's clean but you

know it still needs some um you know other other areas you may want to look at

yeah and I'm not going to go naming off neighborhoods but I can tell you this if

you go to the uh fair housing um it's it's a HUD you want to

type that in Randy fair market rents

now you might have to Google that that term so fair market rents uh on the back

of and you put in your local

community or your county rather and that's going to tell if

through you know a couple clubs it's going to show you what the fair market rents are for three bedroom you know one

actually starting at Studios all the way up to four bedroom houses okay gotcha can tell you what the fair

market rent is for that County so Wayne County it's it

it was insane and like for from the 2022 to 2023 numbers

it boosts it up 150 a month roughly I think it was 154 on a three-bedroom

house now uh it was the the girl's name was Tracy

yes Tracy all right so Tracy here's what I would say to you

you have the opportunity to find turkey houses in that range right even

if you're on a little bit higher end you know the 60 000 range the question is

now this if you're paying cash and I'm assuming that you're renting

right what's that yeah yeah uh she's probably either renting them out or doing a flip

so yeah well I mean if you're you're fear flipping I mean geez you know good luck because it's going to be like if

that's limit if your budget is limited 40 to 60. yeah you know you probably would not

recommend if you're gonna get in that those areas and Detroit I'd recommend doing a buy and hold

I don't recommend at this moment with the market with it being so unpredictable in

Detroit I don't recommend flips in Detroit now it's different if you get a smoking

deal in East English Village and things like that but uh yeah she said she wants to

rent and hold them so and some renovation so she said also

perhaps grandma and or Rosedale might be better if you can find a good deal out there

that'd be great now like I said I you know you're probably going on on Market

where there's a ton of Interest look I recommend you

you know like yes I'm a wholesaler and I want you to buy from me but I don't always have the correct inventory so

look at multiple wholesalers that are out there and just make sure you are

asking the wholesaler the right questions that's all okay those right

questions are okay what do I have to pay out of pocket do I have to pay all the closing costs

great yes as long as you know does the seller understand you know the the back

taxes and water bill blight tickets all of that that's coming out of seller's end correct that's in your contract

most wholesalers yes that is correct we are going from a title company correct

yes you're going from a title company okay if anybody comes to you with a wants to

do a quick claim deed run always get title insurance

so that that holds you accountable and that holds the seller accountable okay

and it doesn't matter to the seller because guess what you're paying the title insurance

you're paying the closing costs so

that that's what helps with that aspect um so I always recommend you do that

usually 99.9 of wholesale deals you are paying the closing costs so anybody

who says that oh I didn't know that that's going to happen you're doing a

regular wholesale deal right yes okay most wholesale wholesale deals the buyer

pays closing costs for the seller and the buyer is that right Dean

you know what I actually negotiated a completely different way because all my contracts are written you know for uh in

my favor yep okay no tax prorations and uh also the um

you know what the topic that you're talking about right here I mean this is like yeah no you pay your how can I pay your

taxes right that's what like so the title work we have transfer taxes and and also what

you should probably understand is that like there are some habits that people will get from a negotiation standpoint

where some folks are like well you know so and so is going to pay my closing

costs like you know the the people that are calling the cash buyer numbers they call our website or like pre-programmed

it's nowhere on our website that we're going to be I don't believe it is um that we're going to pay your closing

costs no we can we can't do that but it all boils down

to how we negotiate this deal so you tell me Mr seller like we're

gonna role play that real quick Mr you know Randy what's most important to you somebody takes care of your closing

costs or putting the most amount of money in your pocket that was a trick question

yeah put the most amount of money in your pocket all right so and then the question becomes how can I pay for taxes

I don't know what your situation is with your CPA you go into the CPA and you're

like whatever write-offs you might have okay so then again I'm going to go ahead

and ask you is it fair for me to pay your taxes right I had one wholesale I had one wholesale

deal come through and I didn't mean to interrupt you here sorry about that that came through and said

um you know it was written inside there that uh buyer pays back taxes

I'm like what wholesaler negotiated that you know most of them Texas are

they have a rough idea they didn't and they didn't post it in there at all so

it was it was never posted so not only is you have the price but you have to pay the

back taxes on that and he didn't even provide that information

so you know my this is my Spiel and anybody wants to take it and use it I

have no problem with that my Spiel to the sellers is hey Mr seller you know we

as a company you know we pride ourselves in order to make things go smoother we do provide we do pay the closing costs

for the for you as well as us basically what that entails is is we cover

anything from the title company that the title company charges okay what the the

number that I give you okay is going to be the number to you

there's only three things that's going to be coming out of your that number and

I and I tell them three things I say one your back taxes and insurance right or

your back taxes and all the way up to the closing date we don't know when's the closing as well as

um you know you still own the property they understand that no problem

the second thing is flight tickets uh well what's blight tickets oh you know

those those tickets you get for too long of a grass and the city likes to give out you know those type of tickets oh

yeah I don't got none of those then you don't have to worry and then the third thing is your water bill

oh yeah I know I gotta I know I gotta take care of it great awesome

those are the only three things that would ever come out of your end everything else that number I gave you

whatever number I give you is going to be net to you

now right there I'm up front I'm honest with everything that's going to come out

of their end okay and it says all that in my contract

okay and I tell them everything that I we discussed is going to be in this contract and or we can walk it line by

line for you if you need be but I can just go over over with you you know no

problem I'll send it over to you let's do about 10 minutes and I'll do it we'll do a DocuSign does that work for you

great so you're closing deals over the phone sometimes I do and sometimes I don't so

it all depends on the situation if it's a

um out of state seller or out of state uh yeah out of state seller uh then we

have to do it on the phone you know uh but I'll still go look at the property first get access to it and

so on and so forth okay so yeah that makes sense yep what other questions uh

do you want to address so the thing is is that um what would you

for somebody just getting into we'll go we'll go two different routes okay I'll

say we'll we'll start off with it as an investor someone wanting to do an investment for

buying a hold do Renovations do a Buy and Hold I'm not going to get into flipping right now

just do hey I want to buy a property I want to put some money into it to appreciate and

I want to rent it out okay um where do you think they should start

off if they're going to start off in the Metro Detroit area okay and

what how do you think they should get started in order to do that

then we'll get into then I want to go as a wholesaler kind of the same

questions where should they get started what should they do obviously me as a

wholesaler as well as you as a wholesaler we know a little bit different but I just kind of want to get

to your opinion and let everybody know your opinion on that yeah so I'm the type of guy over here

that uh the attention span can be a little short so I'm writing down these questions yep

and I might need you to help lead me through no problem you'll lead me through so first question is Buy and

Hold investors where do you start um so here's some general guidelines all

right I'm not going to name neighborhoods no not doing it um in fact I'm not even gonna name

cities um okay what you should probably do is

have a look at how much money you have to spend all right whether it's cash or if it's down payment

okay you can look into some things like dscr loans yes okay you've heard of these have you

talked about them on the channel yes we have okay got it so basically if a

property qualifies and it has like for a certain amount of rent

so say for instance uh a thousand dollars a month rent uh it's my understanding that uh the well in some

cases rent can be just you know the property taxes Insurance the pity payment yeah

property you know so that can be up to a thousand

dollars in some cases so there's that talk with the lender that

does dscr loans get a good wholesome explanation on that uh secondly uh

you're going to start looking at uh you'll look at the interest rates and those they're high yep right you're going to see that but

the bottom line is that the numbers have got to work with the whatever calculations you use use a management

company know how much they're going to charge you okay and then build in all

your costs through a spreadsheet I think you can you can find spreadsheets um you know somewhere online some of

these different websites you know these podcasts and somebody you know has a spreadsheet out there for you you can

find one but the thing is is that uh you got to figure out what your overhead is you

got to figure out what your return needs to be all right so that's something you need to do you also need to have a

serious look at if you're not paying cash how much money do you need for a down payment which is typically to 20 to 25

down and then here's the real kicker I don't know of many uh organizations

out there lending institutions that are lending less than 75

000 right now some of them are even a hundred so that means that if you're

a hundred thousand dollar purchase price 25 down 75 000 mortgage makes sense Okay

so you need to talk with lender get somebody on your team somebody that you

can trust that you can just run the numbers through you can look at uh other you know like kiabi

kiabi that used to be lending home I'm not doing anything with these guys but they're yeah

you know anytime you're going through a mortgage process it's tough well what if you can work out seller finance

work out some sub two deals go find it like did you know that you can find

people that have certain interest rates and you can Target them specifically in your marketing

yeah sub two you know subject to the existing mortgage yep now we've done

them yeah they're out there um yeah most definitely

yeah now if you are looking for a lender okay keep in mind this has to be an entity

okay um Jillian I interviewed him on the channel

okay uh last year get a hold of him he does short-term hard money he also

does long term dscr loans okay hard money is basically a dscr loan it's the

same thing a dsdr loan basically goes by the property and not your income okay

so keep that in mind all right you still got to qualify for

it and you still have to have the Reserves and so on and so forth but I

100 percent recommend you do that now one thing I wanted to ask you Dean is

have you seen it where some people are are saying yeah I'll be all cash they do it with hard money and

then they wanna they want to refinance into a long-term

uh mortgage say a Fannie Freddie Mac so on so forth after doing what's called

the Burr strategy okay now one thing that I think it's Fanny or is it Friday

right now that just changed their seasoning period okay

so one of the two Fanny or Freddy I can't remember which they're just

changing their seasoning Geary from six months for a cash out refi

to 12 months yeah I've not heard that one yeah so

it's either Fanny or Freddie Mac I can't remember which and it's actually happening pretty soon

um they're changing it going the seasoning period for from six months to

a year yeah well you know when government entities start doing things like that

you got to ask yourself why but yeah like think that through and I'm

not going to attempt to do it right now because I just you know that's gonna be a lot of dead space you know

um but why why are these guys doing that what's

the question you know I think that's a real nice transition you know to market conditions

people are like okay like Market's gonna crash is the market going to crash

interest rates are High I mean I've seen like again I I mentioned this earlier but you see it firsthand where interest

rates Spike people freak out don't know Skye's falling and then the

market levels out a little bit next thing you know you're in a hot Market well but truly what do we need to watch

what's going to make the market really take a dump well we need what if we have really

really high interest rates you know will people still buy houses yes people will still buy houses

it will I imagine the velocity will slow yes okay

um well what else job loss people stop you know buying buying houses because

they don't have your money I mean that's one one thing they can you know slow down a market right people do

the ability for people to purchase yep okay

um Supply you know that was one thing actually I was just uh looking at the numbers for Rochester Hills and you look

at uh you know 21 2021 versus 2022 and

actually in some cases um you know some very particular neighborhoods the markets

even go backwards yeah um why why do they go backwards I mean

there's a lot of different reasons yeah but when you just I guess in that particular situation I think a lot of it

has to do with the inventory um you know it it just it slows because

of the lack of inventory lack of quality inventory all that stuff so um I mean there's that stuff another one

which ties in nicely with Supply is the Foreclosure numbers right we track these

every week all right we have our VA poll directly from the legal news and I'm telling you the foreclosures

have not spiked and we've got about a thousand in the whole state of Michigan every month

controlling it they're controlling them coming out the thing is is that what

I've seen is because if they go into foreclosure

there's two things that will happen one they'll do some sort of creative

financing okay or some sort of uh loan

modification sure okay um or two they'll sell it out because

the because they got equity in the house okay

um you know so it's kind of really out there now I want to come back to this

Andrew Andrew Christine gave uh the link here is Freddie Mac that came out with

the with the new guidelines and it is actually on

um cash it's effective on cash out uh refinance loans originating after March

7th 2023. yeah it's you know it's crazy but how

that how does that affect well as you as a wholesaler how does that affect you

you it doesn't affect you as a wholesaler but you know who does affect your buyers

so you have to know all the rules okay as a as a wholesaler so you know what

strategies they're using you know it's going to knock some of those buyers out of content contending

because they're not going to be able to cash out refi

they're not going to be able to get their money back you know now they can go different routes of course

you know but at the same point they're not going to hit the better rates from the the

Freddie Mac you know they can go Fanny for now but how soon is Fanny gonna uh

gonna change over I'm sure they're following suit you know they're they're very similar

entities exactly so um now so what kind of and I didn't mean

to kind of side track here um going back to what you're saying you know

with every area is different you look at

California you know they are their percentages in are dropping Like It's

Hot you versus in the Metro Detroit area we're not dropping as much I'm not

saying we're not dropping but our values are not dropping as bad

as out there in California there what's the reasoning why our job market the

labor market we still need people here okay out there

most of the the workers out there still need to be are remote so they can live

anywhere so what are they going to do we're gonna move somewhere else and still keep our

job you know or they got paid off from the big

Tech and moved to a different place and work for another worked at home place

you never know you know so look at all these options

um and kind of go from there but what would you so what areas would you recommend like

would you recommend with arvs higher

like uh more luxury end would you re you know like kind of where where would you recommend somebody

starting as far as doing a buy and hold Buy and Hold

I would I want to make sure that the numbers work like that that's that's the bottom line

all right make sure that there's industry around you know Amazon's hot right but you understand that if you're

looking at 150 000 house and it just meets the one percent rule

uh I mean if you really boil the numbers

down it might not work okay so now why do we go back and bring

up the HUD site okay so you can look at your numbers all

right so now let's go back to Tracy's example I got fifty thousand dollars to spend

okay fifty thousand dollars All In and I can get

thirteen to fourteen hundred dollars a month rent on that thing if it's a three

bedroom yep he's if if the vouchers will pay fifteen hundred

which is what it says it was like 1377 was what it was last year

so I had 150 you know it's insane um but if you just take a

1300 right and then you divide that into your cost

what's your return and well if you just double it fifty thousand dollar house two percent rule the hundred thousand

dollar purchase so you're almost like 2.3 like the numbers have really appear to be good

well and at that point you just make sure that you're buying the right house and

you know you have inspected your boots on the ground especially if you're buying from out of state you know so

yeah focus on your cash flow the area um you know that's a conversation for

your property managers your property manager gonna gonna do business in these areas

to decide do you want appreciation okay one of the things that you learned

early from Robert Kiyosaki is that listen if you know appreciation happens that's icy

on the cake right goodbye cash flow is King and especially in this

market where we're at you know you say you buy too high okay

say you know what I overpay okay I overpay

and I get into a property but guess what it's given me 500 a month in cash

flow after capex after this after that it's

giving me five then guess what who says you're overpaying okay who

cares you're getting 500 a month right that's making you money while

you're sleeping okay as long as you're putting money aside for your Capital expenditures your

maintenance your vacancy your all of that and you're still cash flowing

okay now I the numbers that most people go by is

right around 300 a month okay it for the cash flow after they

take all their expenses out all right that's a good deal and realistically

realistically where you're going to get that done is you're going to get that done in the city yeah

and thank you Andrew Castine by the way who gave me the link this is the link on

the screen right now uh for what you were talking about the HUD yeah

there you go that's it this is the link right here thank you Andrew for putting in work and and posting the link I

really appreciate it really appreciate it so um and I think Tracy that's why you

wanted to do in Detroit is because of that and you were doing the the lower percentages but keep in mind

you know like I would probably go a little bit higher in that and see if I

can get myself into a duplex that way you can get you know I get higher cash flow

you know so that's up to you yeah yeah I've been through the um MLS

so I'm an agent I've been an agent for many years right um geez

you're you're looking about fifty thousand dollars a door if you're TurnKey at least yep you know minimum

sometimes you can find these four flexes you know and I'm telling you that that's

our first property ever was a duplex cash flow and duplex and uh I should have bought more

yeah but we bought it right the numbers worked you know 1200 bucks a month rent at that particular point in time was an

eighty thousand dollar purchase yep now present-day I mean I think

not going to tell you how much it makes but uh we'll never sell that thing yeah and and

that's the good thing about being Buy and Hold investor is you don't have to sell

and you know I'm starting off a wholesale wholesaling is not an end-all

be-all game and anybody who tells you it is I'm sorry they're wrong

I work it's work it's constant you're trading one job for another what I'm using

wholesaling for is one bringing this community together two I'm going to eventually own my own

rentals okay and three it allows me the money that

I'm bringing in from wholesaling to get my own home renovated my personal home

so hey and by doing that I'm learning it I've learned so much by

doing my own home renovation it's made me a better wholesaler I'm able to price out Renovations a lot better

and actually be you know with my buyers and and talk with them and and get hey

yeah you're pretty close on the pricing you know in before I started that I was way off

and I realized that so my all always my recommendation if

you're just starting out if you think you're gonna spend twenty thousand dollars for a renovation plan on

spending 40. that's just it's the reason if you don't

use that plan on spending 40 and if you don't use it great mistakes are gonna happen

you know so um you know that that's kind of that's

that's my that's my two cents on that so my question to you Dean is is as a

wholesaler where do you recommend somebody starts as a wholesaler

uh help me out with the question a little bit more like what like so it started as a wholesaler simply starting

out as a new wholesaler what do you recommend where do you

recommend what areas do you recommend them that that I'm starting out what you know reaching out one do you recommend

them reaching out on Market and or off Market that's kind of one

portion and then two do you recommend them doing inside Detroit or the suburbs

you know good uh yeah no thanks for the question um look let me take a little side step and

uh and tell you a story that'll help with this okay

um they always say this but like why why did Jesus teach you parables

I don't know Jesus taught in in stories so you would remember

yep okay so let's think about this for a moment close your mind your eyes and imagine

this I get these phone calls from my website right by

949-1224 number right hey do you buy houses in Detroit like this is these are

the regular phone calls I get and it's not just me it's anybody who has pay-per-click yep

you know who's calling Hey do you buy houses in Detroit yeah what do you got

talk to me right are you the person on title no I've got this property under

contract like it's the way it goes most of the time and I'm not knocking these people but

what I'm telling you is that there's a uh there's a strategy that these people are

following that is uh it's not producing fruit

so now you got these people that have uh like we had a joke about this on the way back from Nashville

um one guy uh Mike Aziz you know I'm in the community oh yeah he's like I get the

phone call from this house that's been on the market for like 390 days right it's on the market on Market

properties I'm not seeing don't go after on Market properties if you do you need to make it you need to have a good

genuine conversation with these people okay and know what you're doing because you're dealing with agents on the other

end of the line understand that and if you come at me like you know you say you want to put my house under contract okay

well let's bring your deposit you know bring your deposit let's get an actual and I'm not going to like to

wholesale that thing I'm not going to let you I'm not gonna go get your real estate license you want to do this stuff right you want to be a buyer's agent

which is effective about what you're doing you want to secure property then go ahead and you know and I'll settle

down here but but understand that these people are calling number one

they don't know how to analyze the deal they're excited to get a contract

but but this 390-day house is like on the market for 90 000 and the guys got

it under contract for 85. oh I'll give you 85 seller's agent seller's agents like huh look at this

schmuck you know 85 000 it is now this guy calls us or calls Mike in this example and

he's like oh yeah it's a great house and you know it just needs a little bit he's got all the pictures that are on the on you know Zillow yeah because that's what

he's using is a cop tool and you know sends them on over or you know

he tells a little bit about the property and uh tells Mike that he can get himself a real good deal at 90 000 which

is exactly the price it's at on the MLS what are you doing all right now I'm not

naming names right yeah no no I like the bad mouth anybody but there's people out there that are

teaching this and they're producing students that are coming into our Market in

producing junk yes okay you're going online on Market okay understand that

that market is like there's a lot of people doing it right now okay we write 200 letter of intents a month at least

okay that means that I'm sending you an agent that has a house on the market for

over 30 days or whatever it is whatever my you know flavor of the week is 30 or

40 days if you're on the market you're getting a letter of intent from us it says we'll buy it land contract we'll

buy it you know seller finance or we'll buy it cash what do you want to do Mr seller okay so we get responses from

that it's about the same ascending direct mail I'll be honest with you yep now there's ways that you can increase

that frequency that callback frequency you can reach out to them send them a text

you know find this is a relationship business which boils right back to the original reason why we're even doing

this call yeah because this is a community one hurray yep you understand that you

can't just walk in and just call it the way it is you know without building a relationship with these

sellers so so ask refresh the question one more time for the audience

because you're asking about how do we get started right yeah so wholesalers where do you recommend they start you

know one was uh the first part was off Market or on market and Detroit or

suburbs well I can tell you that if I could find a good legitimate deal in the suburbs

right now I'd scoop it up yep but if I can find a good legitimate deal

like here's here's what's coming out of Detroit right now my Webley line just called and

it's got a tenant that's paying 400 a month and they want like 15 grand for this house and it's in Highland Park

right right now I don't I don't know that I want that house it's probably not

in my Bible right all right but will I put it under contract and then try to sell it to somebody else you go through

the Ria site right now the listed properties how many of them are are Detroit

majority at least 90 percent perfectly understand that

if if you if you feel good just to get a conscience don't fake yourself out that's what I'm saying don't figure

yourself out you're gonna put in the work go out to the suburbs go out to the

places drive for dollars yes okay go to the deal machine app go to this new one

called backflip there's no like they're just getting start

um but but try out backflip app and you know for Real Estate Investors they have some financing tags on there as well

um but as you're as you're going through neighborhoods find a distressed property

find a property that maybe you know car has it cars on blocks the driveway isn't

shoveled the grass isn't cut if you decide the distress broken out windows bad roof

okay a bad roof with a tarp they get extra bonus points for that one you know

why because they got up there they already told you once that they you know number one the roof is bad right well

that's indicator number one they couldn't afford to replace it otherwise it would be replaced and this stands the reason right yep the tarp is over it

okay there's our attempt to fix it but it's a key indicator that you probably

don't have the money to I mean sure there's exceptions to everything but yeah it's got a tarp that's getting a

letter for me I'm gonna do that right we'll knock on the door if you have to bandit signs you know it pulls from our

Bandit sites I got 500 or excuse me um I get paid I pay 500 bucks for a

hundred signs installed out in the community and you know it's a real kicker

because I had signs out in the Dearborn Heights area that were uh they're out

there yellow signs you guys driving up and down uh Warren Road let's see my science [Music]

um I did I started to get I got a huge influx of calls once the snow hit the

big snowstorm then it's like yellow stood out for me yeah I was like yeah

let's do it man yeah Place those banded signs within the neighborhoods yeah that's the busy intersections but inside

the neighborhoods where people see them now keep in mind I gotta add to that a

caveat what is it check the city regulations and what happens now not all

all the cities like if you try to do that in Sterling Heights or like some of the higher in Farmington Hills and

higher end neighborhoods they're they're going to rip those down or they're going to try to try to come

after you for and find you for those times yeah once you spend that money for those signs consider them gone

exactly yeah and the inspectors will call you and they'll let you know which ones uh which cities are not okay

because I don't know I'm not you know but but doesn't don't let that stop you that's the key thing here

trial and error okay you spend a little bit of money on on marketing

see what happens if it works great put more money into it

try something else if it works put more money into it if it doesn't move on to the next thing you know key

I mean it's it's just a trial and error I would I would challenge that I would challenge that statement

so you you got to look at it improve it over time mail works over time all right

uh you know back in 2012 when I started in the business literally I could spend

300 on my yellow letters my handwritten yellow letters and I literally it got a 10 plus

response rate yeah so for 300 letters

I would get I remember this one uh statistic 23 calls

yeah but then my inability to close which is the reason why you need to stay educated and even partner up with

somebody who is a able-bodied closer

I got one deal out of that one deal out of that 300 which sounds really really

good and I'd love to do that nowadays but there was 23 leads and I know I left money on the table because I didn't know

how to to structure anything creatively if it didn't fit my box of 70 minus

repair yeah I forgot about it now I I have a

caveat I'm not sitting here saying try try one strategy and then if it if it

doesn't work go to a different strategy what I'm saying is just try one strategy

and try multiples of that strategy okay what I mean by that is this you brought

up mailers okay great let's do this trial Section

on mailers okay on this paper okay that's not working

let's try a different avenue of reaching out to them we're still doing mailers but we're

flipping it up where we're trying to make the paper a little bit better or we're going to postcards instead of full

out letters or however there's UNT in every different category there's umpteen

amount of different things you can do to try you know not everything's going to work

for you and you may come say okay this is not working and then a year later want to come back

to it and try it again with your newfound knowledge of what you've learned over that year yep you know it's

always changing most definitely um I always recommend this this is my

aspect for wholesalers and correct me if I'm wrong if whatever

you think Dean let me know because you know you're you're a realtor so I reckon

you know if you are going for something that's on market

and you're trying to wholesale it you need to do your numbers correctly so

you have your arv and even if you say oh yeah my arv is

uh you know we'll go 200 000 okay 70 of

that is uh 140. you know about 140 I I

think it's going to be about 40 Grand worth of work we'll we'll get under contract for a hundred grand

okay and then we'll try to sell it for 110. or no sorry

we'll get under contract for 90 grand we'll try to sell it for a hundred okay

and there's a third piece that you have to look at

and now the people that are that you like you said that are training oh if as

long as it works your numbers then it shouldn't matter right no okay the buyers here are Savvy they will

look on the MOs okay they still need to feel like they get a deal

okay it's a it's still a human being on the other side

okay they still need to feel like they get a deal and so essentially what's going to

happen is say it's on you got locked up for 90. you're trying to sell it for a

hundred but the house is is literally on the market for we'll say 105 000.

okay that is not a deal it's been on the market for

90 plus days okay there's a reason for that

okay now now you have to go back and you have to look at your renovation costs

are you off on your renovation costs all right is there some sort of structural Foundation that is wrong

the reason why they're not getting multiple offers or they're not getting offers

okay you have to look at all of that but then you have to look at okay

now if it's on market for 105 and I'm sitting here trying to sell it for 75 or

say 70 that's a different story 100 percent um

okay you I would definitely do that all day long

but you have to look at that that's that's your other aspect you have to

look at you have to make sure that the buyer make sure he thinks he's

getting a deal well that's the sales process as well I mean it's it's communication so a lot of

folks it's the MLS effect you know you put a sign in the yard real estate agents will do that and they don't never

do any other additional promotion like you get one property it's this is

talking dispositions right now yes you have one property and you got to move that thing like it's

your responsibility to the seller now to move the thing right so go exhaust all your your

resources build relationships build your buyers list network with your community you know talk with people and

and don't just expect to just put it out there on an email very very passively

to be aggressive in this market right now go find the people no ask around ask

Randy hey who would buy this type of a deal hey you know what send it over to

Dean and he's got Deep Pockets to buy anything most numbers make sense right that

person makes sense but but that's your training you have to take responsibility for us know your business right and then

you can move these deals um but yeah no I mean that's a that's a good thing to bring up right there for

sure and one thing that I always recommend is talk to your buyers now every everybody

says what do I need to get the buyers first or the sellers okay 100 and every there's other people out

there that disagree with me find the deal first

who would disagree with that there I see so many people out there that do and the

reason I say that is if you have the deal you can always JV with somebody who has

the buyer that's it

you know so for instance I have buyers I listen to my buyers so instead of me saying

hey I'll take the deal from you take you straight to the my buyer and get the feedback from them no I know what

they're going to say okay so I can say hey this is probably

not going to be a deal or we need to get this a little bit lower or what I can do

is is I'll put it out there I'll see what feedback I get that way we can get a solid offer before

we go back for a price reduction and I don't ever like to go back for a

price reduction and Hope what I do is I take it to I'll put it

out there or I'll go to a select a few buyers and say hey

what would you pay for this and give me the reasons why

okay okay great if we can make that number work would you be interested in closing in a

week two weeks whatever great it's a great closer you know that's how I do it that's a

good close yeah if I could do this would you do that

exactly that's how we got our last uh you know uh seller finance deal it was a

lot of money too saved us 15 grand you know just for asking the question hey would you be willing to do this would

you be open-minded correct one of the things that I'm let me let me um as we wrap up here let me

uh give a couple things that uh you know I'm working on with my team asking questions like yeah one question

how much do you want for the house or yeah I mean we use that one right yeah

so like let's role play this real quick Randy like how so Randy how much are you looking to get for uh you know how much

are you looking to get for your house uh you know I need to get the maximum amount of possible man you know give me

the night what's your best offer you know give me your best offer okay so

that's my question number one right how much do you want to get for how much do you want for this house

Mr seller how much were you hoping to walk away with out of this transaction

gotcha okay multiple layers right oh yeah right

which I I know I got a little one you know I'm hoping to at least walk away with like 50 Grand you know so you know

all right cool so so 50 Grand that you're telling me that you have a

mortgage on this house how much is the mortgage uh you know it's probably about a hundred grand you know 100 okay so so

what you're telling me is you need about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to walk away from this deal to make

everything whole yeah yeah you know

all right cool just out of curiosity how much is your monthly payment uh you know I got the mortgage by 20

years ago you know um I I think I think my mortgage about like you know

uh you know 700 a month okay you know so

okay so if we were able to work out something creatively could I treat you as the bank and pay you a little bit

what does that mean well there's a lot of things let's get into it you know let's not get into whole whole stretches

yeah but the the point was this right you've got one question is what I'm

training my team on one question whatever it is find two other ways to ask that same

question that's not you know different ways right and then do it again it's a

training exercise and that's going to open your brain and I'm telling you the girl that we're training uh right now

and she's been with us for a while it's really really good um she's coming up with some pretty creative stuff

which really is and uh you know I I'm thankful for that because that's not acceptance and she's she's working

through it so um and it's fun sales is fun right we're just getting people what they need that's it

and and that kind of brings it back and it kind of ties it all together is we

are not here to convince anybody to sell their house we are here to offer

Solutions to their problems okay

that's it you know um I have one for instance I have one

seller that she literally lost her home to a foreclosure and when her it it went

to auction they're still living in there they have the Redemption period right now

the Redemption period is up March 6th and literally if I would have called her

then I don't know what she would have done because she doesn't have time to go and

sell it on the whole Market you know so I'm working with her

and because I don't know that very well and it's my first time ever dealing with a Redemption period guess what I'm doing

I'm jving with somebody who does know it yeah and I'm good being with me you

already got the deal moved what's that is it in The Burbs it's in the verbs yes all right let's

connect on that yeah it's in Royal Oak okay um but I'm I'm working with

another another wholesaler who knows that like the back of his hand you actually know the other

wholesaler so um and so I'm working with him to try to

get this basically locked up and going through this process

of the process yeah whether it works or not I don't know but at least I'm going to learn something through this process

did the numbers work on this one uh I I mean it's not a slam dunk but

they will work as long as we're all on the same page I don't have it on my contract yet so that's why I don't want

to put it out there yet so uh so good but it's in the works and now with that

being said I do have a property in Detroit that I am jving with with Todd

Chun okay um I just posted it on our group okay

it's 865 Collingwood Street it would be a great flip and

it comes with five vacant Lots two of them next to them and three of them behind

in my area and in my opinion take the the property that is there

fix it up it's a great flip because it's literally uh great comps in the area

okay it would be a great flip or even a Buy and Hold it's four bedroom home with

a a third floor attic unfinished okay and I then you take there's three lots

directly behind it take like a lot and a half or whatever put a

four Plex up or put two four plexes up and take up

each each lot you know and then make a parking lot in between them

you know it's that that's just my opinion though

yeah yeah so so it's and we're selling it for 64.9

it's a great deal okay on Collingwood huh I've heard that that street name before

I wonder where it's uh um you know it is on the east side

um but it's a great like I said it's a great property so great area too so it's

um and I did put the flyer up on uh my

Facebook group okay okay so check it out it the address again is

864 or 865 Collinwood Street write it down

865 Collingwood uh

where did I put that

one second

there we go uh and it yeah it's the 48202 area code

Okay so and let's see if I can

what are you gonna do you're gonna share it on the screen here yep I'm gonna share it on the screen this is

this is the property here and it's a great property the the lady

has lived in it for quite a few years raised her children in it on you know

Windows could be replaced uh you know things like that it's a great property

that has some great old world charm things like that you know 100 percent worth the 64.9 that

that we have it out there for okay um you know plus the five lots and like

I said it's two right next to him and she's taking care of the watch herself so

you know 100 recommend anybody who has contact go ahead and contact Todd uh

the numbers right right here at the bottom okay um and you can always DM me as well

um but me and Todd are javine on this so you know go ahead and contact him just let him know you found out from me all

right and go from there and we'll set you up for a walk through or anything like that

so we do have full photos and uh if you need full photos we'll send you a link

nice awesome so kind of go from there I like I said I

I think that's a great property and um you know but I just want to get my my

little pitch in there since we just got under contract let me go get my bowmen

yeah right so um so so what else is on your mind man

you got any other questions you want to uh go yeah so you know as we wrap this up you know we're coming to the hour and

a half mark I usually kind of like to leave it right around there um kind of you know what I'm at what I'm

curious about because there's a lot of new people out there um you know

what is as somebody who's new there is a lot of

analyzation and learning and going through there what is the one thing that

that you think people should do as new people

okay as a new wholesaler uh Buy and Hold investor

flipper whatever what do you think they should you that

they need to do to get out of analysis paralysis


so the only thing that's going to fix that is action right

you know one of the things you got to understand is that uh you can only educate so much

right again going back to Rich Dad Poor Dad very first complex we bought very first property

if the numbers make sense you do the deal okay like like you're truly if this is what you're doing like real estate

you're investing in real estate okay you're not just playing real estate

the numbers work you do the deal you figure out a way to get the money together and you do the deal

yep that's it they'll screw around because life

you know you look back at the years and it's like yeah I should have done that yeah

and now you're in this position because you didn't

okay paralysis is a book out there a magic of thinking big in there it talks

about a procrastination being a failure disease that yes you know they'll screw around

stop screwing around we'll get the job done and I I agree with that 100

take action in whatever it is whether that be you're taking action

with somebody who knows what they're doing so that you can keep learning I always recommend that but

yes you need to educate yourself in the beginning

I know how I learn myself is I have I educate myself then I have to do it if I

don't do it that education it just kind of Fizzles away unfortunately

I hate to say it but unless I actually put what I learned into action

it does not actually sink in

that's true so with that you know

every deal that you do you're going to come across mistake after mistake if you're

going to have to learn how to Pivot how to go around it how to look for things in the past so you can counteract all of

that okay things like that but with all that being said

I real I 100 agree with you um we need again

the March 8th is going to be a big

big event and I recommend anybody who is out there it's going to be only 25 bucks

at the door check it out and uh we'll post the details in the

Facebook group okay on February 22nd at 6 30

is Keller Williams right yep that's killer Williams office over Nova yep

over and all right yep we'll post that event in in the Facebook group as well

okay check it out when I say networking this is where you

these are places where you go you network you get with like-minded people and you start working with them

and you start learning from them and that way you can possibly do deals with them and so on and so forth okay

now with all that being said I hope to see almost everyone in here there and we'll

go from there but Dean thank you I really appreciate it only last thing I

have is if anybody wants to get a hold of you to ask you either any questions to work

with you to send you deals whatever the case may be how do they get a hold of

you well you can go ahead and check out our YouTube Right 3D Property Solutions we've got that if you want to put my

number up on the screen by all means uh I'll give it to you it's a 248 all right two four eight yep nine four

zero one zero nine nine nine

uh you can check out our website you know uh

find us there uh also one last thing uh

I've got a uh an episode I'm gonna be on an episode of House Hunters you guys heard of that show

oh yes 10 days from now

at 10 o'clock on HGTV I've got uh I'll be on TV look at me

that's awesome so do they do the Detroit area is that why yeah oh I did not know

that yeah I'm actually working on on another client at the moment um to to get one of my other clients on

there so okay it's uh that's fun you know get on TV you know

so if you want to get a hold of Dean here's his number down right here okay

check him out give him a call even if you just want him to list your property he is a licensed agent I don't know if

he wants to do that if he doesn't want to list it I'm sure he has other agents that he works with that he'll recommend

as well okay uh depends on how busy this man's very busy so sometimes I can't

even get my phone you know but sometimes

you know on a whim he came on here he he showed up for me great guy so I'm 100

recommend him check him out um and all he does is add value to

everybody he surrounds himself with so I recommend him his company his business I

you know check us out we'll post all the events in the Facebook group Metro Detroit off-market Real Estate Group

also if you are not subscribed subscribe to the YouTube channel at randystedwell

on YouTube subscribe subscribe subscribe hit that

like button as much as possible okay we need the YouTube algorithm to recommend

us all right we do these talks every single week bring somebody different every Monday at

8pm all right so there you go Captain stability over here that's what I'm trying to be I am

yeah so good work guys have a great night we're gonna end this okay gain

hold on for a moment and and I'll I'll I'll get right back to you but everyone

out there please please join us for these events that are coming

up and hit the Subscribe button hit the like

button go over my YouTube channel if you're watching this on the Facebook group go over my YouTube channel subscribe like all of it please do next

time watch from the YouTube channel to help me get that algorithm going uh we

are at 2600 members okay in the Facebook group we are climbing and growing every

single day we are bringing buyers every single day hit us in there you guys have

a great night have a great evening we will see you next week 8 P.M on Monday

just like always let's all do deals together have a great one